Library fees and charges

Library fees and charges.

Overdue and lost items
Lost or damaged items Full replacement cost plus $15.70 processing fee
Lost or replacement library card $5.10
Compassion waiver On written application with supporting documentation
Late fees for children 12 and under No charge
Interlibrary loans
Base ILL fee applicable to all loan requests  $5.01
All other libraries, excluding NSW Public libraries  $30.50 for postage, plus if applicable Recovery Costs plus GST.
Photocopying, printing and scanning
A4 black and white page  $0.20
A3 black and white page  $0.40
A4 colour page  $1.00
A3 colour page  $2.00
Sale of items
Used or discarded Library items Various prices 
Local history books   Up to $50.00 
Local history
Local history research First half hour free then $100/hour
Local history research (health or concession card holder)  First half hour free then $50/hour 
Programming or activities
Various activities (excludes baby rhyme time, story time)  Up to $125.00 
Various activities (excludes baby rhyme time, story time) health or concession card holder  Up to $125.00 
Rental of meeting rooms
For fees please see COMMUNITY SERVICES & CULTURE section of the Fees and Charges - RENTAL OF LIBRARY MEETING ROOMS - Leichhardt & Balmain Library   

Inner West Council fees and charges  2023/24

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Page last updated: 04 Jun 2024