Did you know that one of the most widely used library cataloguing classification system, the Dewey Decimal Classification, was developed by Melville Dewey in 1846 and reflects the society and time in which the numbers were developed?

Reflecting our society and time, the library has developed significant collections of LGBTQ+ materials for our community, including fiction, non-fiction, DVDs, databases and graphic novels. The collections aim to be inclusive, informative, relevant and recreational, for junior, youth and adult ages, with works by and about the LGBTQ+ community.

All Inner West collection genres contain LGBTQ+ titles.

The LGBTQ+ collection is interfiled, and all LGBTQ+ related items have a rainbow flag sticker on them and are easily identified. You can also browse our collection online. Here are some links to get you started:

Searching for LGBTQ resources

Our current catalogue does not identify LGBTQ material with one single identifier, but there are general subject headings which will list substantial numbers of titles.

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, try some of these catalogue search tips. We also welcome requests from library members.

Today's language you may want to search And these are some of the LGBTQ subject headings we have
Bisexual Asexual people
Gay Bisexuals
Intersex Gay
Lesbian Gender identity
LGBIQ Gender nonconformity
Non-binary Homosexuality
Queer Intersex
Trans Lesbians
Transgender Sexual minorities
  Sexual orientation
  Transgender people

Search tip: To increase you results use the “*” sign e.g. gay*

Why? The “*” is an advanced library search technique we refer to as a wildcard, that can be used to maximize your search results in library databases.  Wildcards are used in search terms to represent one or more other characters.

For e.g. if you search for gay* the results will include gay, gays, gay men, gay parenting et al however it will also bring back results if an author’s name is Gay.

You can also filter your results by using the limiters located on the side of the catalogue screen.

So have a go and if you need any assistance please speak to Library Staff.

Find more information about how the Inner West Council is supporting the LGBTQ community.


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Page last updated: 31 May 2024