Community profile

Inner West Council covers approximately 186,000 residents and an area of 36 square km from Balmain in the North, Newtown in the East, Tempe in the South and Croydon in the West.

It includes the following suburbs: Annandale, Ashfield, Balmain (including Balmain East), Birchgrove, Dobroyd Point, Dulwich Hill, Enmore, Haberfield, Leichhardt, Lewisham, Lilyfield, Marrickville, Petersham, Rozelle, Stanmore, St Peters, Summer Hill, Sydenham, Tempe and parts of: Ashbury, Camperdown, Croydon, Croydon Park, Hurlstone Park and Newtown.

Council has subscribed to a series of externally developed products which provides information about the community using Census data and other sources. contains demographic analysis based on Census results including population, age structure, ethnicity, ancestry, religion, income, qualifications, occupations, employment, unemployment, disability, disadvantage, volunteering, childcare, family structure, household structure, housing tenure, mortgage and rental payments, and the size and type of the dwellings people live in. is a series of thematic maps that show how particular population groups (elderly, youth, disadvantaged, students, public transport users etc) are distributed across your selected area. provides economic data including: Gross Regional Product, local jobs, local businesses, employment, unemployment, population, building approvals, industry structure, journey to work and much more.

Community profiles of Council's wards

Inner West Council has five wards: Baludarri (Balmain), Damun (Stanmore), Djarrawunang (Ashfield), Gulgadya (Leichhardt) and Midjuburi (Marrickville). 3 councillors are elected per ward at each council election.

Open the links below for community profiles of each of Council's wards:

Map of Council's wards (PDF 3.6MB)

Cultural and creative communities in the inner west

Cultural and creative workers play an vital role in driving economic, social and cultural development and contribute to cultural diversity, social inclusion, environmental sustainability and technological advancement in the spaces and places they operate.

If Creative and Cultural Industries was a sector, it would be the 5th largest employing sector in the Inner West, contributing to 6,400 local jobs and $663m in value added.

In 2016, the Inner West supported 4.3% of all Cultural and Creative Industries jobs in Greater Sydney and generated 3.7% of all creative output. There are far more people working in cultural and creative occupations (across any industry) in the Inner West compared to Greater Sydney as a whole.

To get the full picture, Visit this link for a graphical analysis of the cultural and creative sector in the Inner West Council area.

External linkCultural and creative communities in the Inner West 

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Page last updated: 28 Nov 2024