Little Greece

In recognition of the long-standing contribution of Greek Australians to the Inner West, in February 2021, Inner West Council voted to formally approve the renaming of a Greek precinct in the Marrickville/Dulwich Hill area.

Ariel map showing street location of Little Greece 

The move followed a resolution by Council in 2020 to consult with community and business in Dulwich Hill and Marrickville to identify the most appropriate location and name for a Greek precinct. 

The Greek community has had an enormous impact on everyday life in Marrickville and Dulwich Hill, and there are a great number of sites of community significance in the area. During the community consultation, around 20 locations of significance were proposed. Most suggestions received were in Marrickville.

The area on Marrickville Road, between Livingstone and Victoria Roads was ultimately chosen, with the name “Little Greece” being favoured over other alternatives such as “Little Athens.”

By the 1960s, Marrickville had become home to one-third of Sydney’s Greek population. Greek was commonly spoken on the streets and there was high demand for authentic Greek products and experiences – the delicatessen, restaurants, cake shops, clothing stores and the Hellenic Art Theatre, to name a few.

Although the demographics of Marrickville have since changed, the strong influence of Hellenic culture and businesses remain.

The Geographic Names Board formerly approved the renaming of Little Greece in November 2021. Greek Australians remain a vital part of the Inner West, and the independently run Greek Festival continues to draw huge crowds to Marrickville each year.

In the heart of Little Greece today sits a giant piece of public art by local Greek artist, OX King. The work reimagines the ancient Greek goddess Hestia as a modern Australian Greek migrant. It is painted in the style of traditional Greek pottery, using green and gold colours.

Originally commissioned in 2021 as part of Inner West Council's Perfect Match program, in 2023, the artwork was also rolled out on Council bins across the Precinct, further beautifying the area.

Marrickville would simply not be the vibrant place it is today without the thousands of Greek migrants who have chosen the Inner West as their home. The precinct of Little Greece pays tribute to their proud history, and affirms their rightful place here into the future.

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Page last updated: 20 Apr 2023