Our Place Inner West
A land use planning framework for the Inner West
Council has started a strategic land use planning project, Our Place Inner West, to develop a new Local Environmental Plan and Development Control Plan for the Inner West, supported by a consolidated Developer Contributions Plan.
The 2018 update to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, requires Council to prepare a Local Strategic Planning Statement first that will guide development and use of the Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan. The Department of Planning, Industry and Environment has more information on Local Strategic Planning Statements.
The new Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan will replace the planning frameworks used by the former Ashfield, Leichhardt and Marrickville councils, which are still in use and available for download:
Current local environment plans (LEP)
Current development control plans (DCP)
What is a land use planning framework?
All local governments in NSW must have a land use planning framework to guide councils' decision making on planning, development and future land use in the local government area (LGA). Inner West Council's new land use planning framework will have four legislative planning documents:
- Local Strategic Planning Statement
- Local Environment Plan
- Development Control Plan
- Development Contributions Plan

How will council develop the framework?
Council's Strategic Planning team is developing our land use framework with significant research, evidence based studies, review of current land use planning frameworks and integrated land use plans. Community and stakeholder engagement are important for each step in the development of Our Place Inner West.
Council surveyed residents and businesses in February 2019. The survey results Community Insights Report tell us what makes a great neighbourhood and is most valued in local areas.
In late 2018 and 2019, stakeholders, the community and select local democracy groups provided input on strategies that inform land uses, including:
What is happening now?
Our draft Local Housing Study and Strategy, Integrated Transport Strategy, Employment and Retail Land strategy and draft Local Strategic Planning Statement have recently come off public exhibition. A report on the outcomes of the public exhibition will be considered by the elected Council at a Council meeting.
Council is currently preparing its first consolidated Local Environmental Plan (LEP). This LEP will be a consolidation of the existing LEPs that apply across the LGA bringing forward zoning, development standards and most controls. The draft Local Environment Plan needs to be endorsed by the NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment before public exhibition.
Council will soon commence work on Place Based Studies. These studies will allow Council to appropriately manage change over time while also ensuring the retention of local character. The Place Based Studies along with the finalised above mentioned evidence based strategies and the Local Strategic Planning Statement will help inform the next iteration of the LEP as well as the Comprehensive Development Control Plan and Developer Contributions Plan.
How can I keep up to date with the Our Place Inner West project?
Council will exhibit draft documents online at Your Say Inner West for community input.
Your Say Inner West is our engagement portal where opportunities for community input will be facilitated. As the project progresses, community members will be able to provide input into the various strategies and plans, access frequently asked questions, download documents and register for updates.
All opportunities for people to have input at each step in the development of our Land Use Planning Framework will be featured at yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au.
- Subscribe to Your Say Inner West for a monthly email on engagement opportunities
- Subscribe to Council’s fortnightly email What’s On Inner West, linked in this page footer
- Follow Council on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram
- Enquire with the contact below.
Contact Our Place Inner West Project Team, Inner West Council
Phone: 02 9392 5167
Email: ourplace@innerwest.nsw.gov.au