Yeo Park Ashfield

  • Project address:  Yeo Park, Old Canterbury Road Ashfield
  • Project description: 

    Yeo Park is a popular park of local heritage significance. The upgrade implements priority actions of the Yeo Park Plan of Management.

  • Proposed works include:

    • upgrade of existing playground;
    • replanting;
    • improved seating provision; and
    • removal of existing park lighting followed by a lighting upgrade to the 2 main east wet pathways

    For more information read the Yeo Park Plan of Management (PDF 7.2MB)

  • Progress:
    • Construction Tender Stage
  • Expected completion date: June 2024
  • Budget: $576,000
  • Contact: Carmen Knob on (02) 9392 5294 or
  • Design Plan:

 yeo park updated


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Page last updated: 16 Feb 2024