Newtown Town Hall Pride Centre Refurbishment
Council is establishing a Pride Centre at the Newtown Town Hall.
In 2023 the plaza adjoining the town hall was renamed Pride Square and an iconic installation completed for Sydney WorldPride 2023 including the Pride Beacon. The Newtown Neighbourhood Centre moved from the town hall to the refurbished Tom Foster Community Centre at 1-13 Darley Street Newtown.
External renewal of the building including façade remediation, lead dust removal, structural remediation of the roof and re-roofing were completed in November 2023.
Building works for the Pride Centre are well underway that include upgrade reinstatement of heritage ceilings, accessibility upgrades and renewal of air-conditioning, audio visual, data, electrical, fire, HVAC and security services.
- Project addresses: Pride Square and Newtown Town Hall, King Street, Newtown adjoining Bedford Street and Australia Street
- Pride Square works and external works are now complete.
- Internal works including access upgrades commenced in January 2024 and are now nearing completion.
- All floor coverings will be renewed, and dilapidated heritage ceilings renewed.
- All doorways have been widened to meet accessibility compliance.
- Upgrades include new data, electrical, fire, mechanical, security services, and LED lighting.
Progress Photos

Pride Square Completion Photos