Accessible Footpath Program
Inner West Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP) delivery
Inner West Council is working towards making all Inner West footpaths well-maintained, level and accessible so that everyone can safely travel around their local communities.
The Inner West Pedestrian Access and Mobility Plan (PAMP), adopted by Council in November 2021, provides a comprehensive strategic action plan for improved pedestrian facilities.
The Plan includes an audit of all pedestrian facilities, identification of key pedestrian routes and prioritised pedestrian safety improvements including:
- Footpath and pedestrian crossing maintenance
- New and upgraded kerb ramps at intersections and other crossing points. Kerb ramp improvements are typically undertaken in association with nearby footpath renewal projects
- Raised pedestrian crossings and other crossing improvements
Read the PAMP report here (57.4MB).
A total budget of $8 million has been allocated to complete high priority works identified in the PAMP over 4 years commencing 2022-23.
Approximately $1 million in raised pedestrian crossing projects were completed in 2021-22 under Federal stimulus funding for priority school zone safety works identified in the PAMP.
Kerb ramp improvements
- Total 70 new or modified kerb ramps installed in Ashfield (Djarrawanuang) and Balmain (Baludarri) wards.
- Kerb ramp works for Stanmore (Damun) and Marrickville (Midjuburri) wards to be completed by 30 June 2023.
- Planning for kerb ramp works in Leichhardt (Gulgadya) and Balmain (Baludarri) wards in progress for delivery 2023-24.
Raised pedestrian crossings
Raised pedestrian crossings projects 2022-23:
- Trafalgar Street and Collins Street, Annandale, three crossings completed.
- Balmain Road, Leichhardt, Sydney Secondary College, two crossings at Stanley Street and Hill Street. Community engagement for concept design completed for Traffic Committee approval March 2023, Council approval April, and construction April 2023 school holidays, weather and approvals permitting.
- Illawarra Road, Marrickville, crossing at Schwebell Street, preliminary design in progress for community engagement in May 2023. Construction is planned for October school holidays 2023, weather and approvals permitting.
Raised pedestrian crossing projects completed in 2021-22:
- Bland Street, Ashfield, St Vincents Catholic Primary School
- Liberty Street Stanmore, Stanmore Public School
- Toothill Street, Lewisham, Lewisham Public School
- Lords Street and Flood Street, Leichhardt, Kegworth Public School
- Piper Street, Annandale, Annandale North Public School
- Dalhousie Street Haberfield, St Joan of Arc Catholic Primary School
- Denman Avenue, Haberfield, Haberfield Public School
- Waratah Street, Haberfield, Dobroyd Point Public School
Kerb ramp works
Peter Fairburn on (02) 8595 2442 or
Raised pedestrian crossing projects
Michael Craven on (02) 9392 5857 or
Example kerb ramps before works

Example new realigned kerb ramps after works