New public spaces projects
Project addresses
- Bay Run at Leichhardt Park and King George Park
- Lewis Herman Reserve, Holden Street, Ashfield
- Cahill Street Playground and surrounds, Cahill Street, Annandale
Program description
Council has delivered upgrades to three locations to create new and improved public spaces thanks to the funding from the NSW Government’s Public Spaces Legacy Program.
Bay Run lighting
Description: Upgrade of the Bay Run lighting through Leichhardt Park and King George Park to meet safety standards for pedestrians and cyclists. Works involved new cabling, poles and light fittings.
Progress: Complete
Budget: $2,500,000
Funded by NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program
Completion date: August 2023
Lewis Herman Reserve
Description: Construction of a new park including inclusive play spaces and nature plan, park facilities for all ages with new pathways, furniture and landscaping and investigation of a dog off leash area. The project also complete a master plan and plan of management for the new park.
Progress: Complete
Budget: $1,650,000
Funded by NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program and Inner West Council
Completion date: June 2023
Concept Design:

Cahill Street
Description: In 2020 Council acquired 3 Cahill Street adjoining the existing Cahill Street Playground to increase local public open space. This project implements recommendations of the Parramatta Road Urban Amenity Improvement Program and includes the upgrade of the expanded playground and park area, creating shared zones for pedestrians and vehicles in Cahill Street and Cahill Lane adjoining the new park, and design for future share path access links along Johnston Creek for pedestrians and cyclists.
Read more in the masterplan report.
Progress: Complete
Budget: $1,350,000
Funded by NSW Public Spaces Legacy Program and Inner West Council
Completion date: June 2023
Concept Design: