Livingstone Road, Cycle Path
Project name: Livingstone Road Cycle Way
Address: Livingstone Road, from Randall Street to Marrickville Park, Marrickville
Detail: Construction of new cycleway (Local Route 3).
Council is improving bicycle routes across the inner west to make it safer, more convenient and enjoyable for people of all ages and abilities to ride a bike.
This project is being delivered in two sections:
- Section 1 – Marrickville Park to Marrickville Road
- Section 2 – Marrickville Road to Randall Street
The new cycleway is located on the western side of Livingstone Road and includes a bi-directional separated cycleway and sections of shared paths where there isn’t enough space to build a separated cycleway. Shared environment intersections at street crossings, foot path improvements and landscaping are also included to improve facilities and safety for both cyclists and pedestrians.
Link to the concept the designs and more information here
- Section One & Two -Construction completed
Expected completion date: Completed Jul 2022
Photos of works
Cycle and Footpath looking South towards Marrickville Road