Clr Philippa Scott – Gulgadya Ward (Leichhardt)
Philippa Scott is a lifelong Inner West local, and an experienced governance, policy and management professional, committed to social justice.
In 2021, she was elected as a Labor Councillor for the Leichhardt-Gulgadya ward. Philippa served as Deputy Mayor for the term 2022-2023.
Before politics, Philippa worked as a lawyer, and governance and policy manager in the not-for-profit and public sector, including at the University of Sydney, UTS, the Guardianship Tribunal of NSW (now a part of the NSW Department of Justice), and Salvos Legal Humanitarian, and as a Director of Metro Assist, a migrant resource centre serving the Inner West and Canterbury-Bankstown LGAs.
Philippa holds a combined Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws degree from the Australian National University, a Master of Laws (Honours) degree from UTS and a Master of Education degree from the George Washington University in Washington D.C.
Philippa has two children in local public schools. She is President of Sydney Secondary College Leichhardt P&C and a member of Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay P&C.
Aims as a councillor
Philippa cares deeply about ensuring that the Inner West remains a vibrant, functional, accessible and fun community for people of all languages, abilities and economic backgrounds. She is committed to creating the conditions for a diverse, vibrant and inclusive community to exist.
Her policy priorities include:
- Main street revitalisation and development, and developing strategies to activate, beautify, and support main streets in every suburb in the local government area.
- A stronger local economy, supporting businesses, community organisations and workers to reinvest in the common wealth of the Inner West.
- Boosting our arts and creative industries and supporting the Inner West’s place and reputation as the heart of Sydney’s live music scene and nightlife, with more public art, the creation of Special Entertainment Precincts and making permanent the recent changes to enhance outdoor dining.
- Ensuring that the Inner West keeps the diversity that makes us strong. All people in the Inner West have the right to access our community irrespective of their income, age, gender, culture, sexuality, or disability, and our policies, services and planning should reflect this commitment.
Representation on committees
- Member, Audit, Risk and Improvement Committee
- Member, Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel
- Alternate member, Parramatta River Catchment Group
- Customer Service Review Committee
- Major Capital Projects Committee
Twitter: @CrPhilippaScott
Facebook: /PhilippaForLeichhardt
Phone: 0412 935 713