Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget

The Delivery Program is a four-year plan which outlines Council's commitment to achieving the outcomes of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). It includes the annual Operational Plan and Budget which details the yearly actions, estimated income and planned spending that Council will undertake to work towards the CSP.

This document includes:

  • Specific actions Council will deliver 
  • How we will measure these actions
  • Estimation of income and spending broken down into Council's 39 services
  • Rates overview and charges
  • Service statements for each of Council’s 39 services


Download Delivery Program, Operational Plan and Budget here

Where we get our income

Council revenue comes from the following sources:

  • 42% general revenue
  • 13% domestic waste charge
  • 18% user charges and fees
  • 3% interest income
  • 9% other income
  • 3% operating grants and contributions
  • 12% capital grants and contributions
Budget summary graph

How we spend every $100

We allocate:

  • $30 to Capital and Major projects
  • $12 to Resource Recovery and Operations
  • $9 to Parks and Streetscape Operations
  • $8 to Children's Services
  • $7 to Sports and Recreation
  • $7 to Civil Maintenance
  • $5 to Libraries, History, Community Venues and Centres
  • $4 to Parking and Ranger Services
  • $3 to Strategic Planning and Economic Development
  • $3 to Events, Living Arts, Community Wellbeing, Social and Cultural Planning
  • $2 to Facilities Management
  • $2 to Engineering Services
  • $2 to Development Assessment
  • $2 to Building Certification, Environmental Health and Building Regulation
  • $2 to Urban Ecology and Sustainability
  • $1 to Urban Forest
  • $1 to Traffic and Transport Panning
Summary graph   


How we remain financially stable

Since the merger Council has identified more than $22 million worth of efficiencies and harmonised services and Council is committed to further budget repair.

Council’s program of financial sustainability will improve our bottom line through service reviews and a focus on continuous improvement. As well Council is:

  • Purchasing a new commercial investment property to generate income
  • Maximising strategic procurement
  • Enhancing asset management practices
  • Implementing our Land and Property Strategy
  • Leveraging the value in technology to deliver better processes and efficiency improvements
  • Reviewing fees and charges
  • Seeking out new revenue generating opportunities

Annual fees and charges

Each year Council sets fees and charges for our services such as entry fees to aquatic centres and application fees.  View the current full Inner West Council Fees and Charges for specific fees. 

Previous year plans

Download former delivery programs, operational plans and budgets below:

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Page last updated: 01 Jul 2024