Parking and Ranger Services

Parking & Ranger Services May 2024 YTD Actual ($'000) May 2024 YTD Budget ($'000) Variance Better/Worse ($'000) Variance Better/Worse (%) 2023/24 QBRS Q3 Budget ($000) 2023/24 Adopted Budget ($000) Commentary
Income from Continuing Operations
General Revenue - - - n/a - -
User Charges & Fees 373 319 54 17.1% 348 268
Other Income 15,035 14,669 366 2.5% 15,967 14,818 Higher than expected infringement income received.
Profit or (Loss) on Disposal - - - n/a - -
Total Income 15,409 14,988 421 2.8% 16,315 15,086
Expenses from Continuing Operations
Employee Costs 6,503 6,572 69 1.0% 7,084 6,721
Borrowing Costs - - - n/a - -
Materials & Services 2,558 2,613 55 2.1% 2,863 2,253
Other Expenses 1,791 1,358 (433) (31.9)% 1,481 1,171 Allocation of doubtful debts related to infringements.
Depreciation & Amortisation - - - n/a - -
Total Expense 10,853 10,543 (310) (2.9)% 11,428 10,145
Total Surplus/(Deficit) before Funding 4,556 4,445 111 2.5% 4,887 4,941
Operating Grants & Contributions
Operating Grants - - - n/a - -
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Operating Grants 4,556 4,445 111 2.5% 4,887 4,941
Funding Contributions & Overhead Allocations
Capital Grants & Contributions - - - n/a - -
Overhead Allocation (3,300) (3,131) (169) (5.4)% (3,415) (4,975)
Funding from/(to) Restricted Funds - - - n/a - -
Funding from/(to) General Funds (1,256) (1,314) 58 4.4% (1,472) 34
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Capital Grants, Contributions & Funding - - - n/a - -

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Page last updated: 27 Jun 2024