Civil Maintenance

Civil Maintenance May 2024 YTD Actual ($'000) May 2024 YTD Budget ($'000) Variance Better/Worse ($'000) Variance Better/Worse (%) 2023/24 QBRS Q3 Budget ($000) 2023/24 Adopted Budget ($000) Commentary
Income from Continuing Operations
General Revenue 1,531 1,513 18 1.2% 1,651 1,651
User Charges & Fees 6,780 6,175 605 9.8% 6,775 1,530 Restorations increase due to utility works offset by increased expenditure.
Other Income - - - n/a - -
Profit or (Loss) on Disposal - - - n/a - -
Total Income 8,311 7,688 623 8.1% 8,426 3,181
Expenses from Continuing Operations
Employee Costs 3,785 4,042 257 6.4% 3,879 4,201 Underspend due to vacancies in positions
Borrowing Costs - - - n/a - -
Materials & Services 8,025 7,137 (888) (12.4)% 7,039 3,067 Additional restoration works completed offset by increase in income
Other Expenses - - - n/a - -
Depreciation & Amortisation 14,023 11,936 (2,088) (17.5)% 13,026 13,026
Total Expense 25,833 23,114 (2,719) (11.8)% 23,944 20,293
Total Surplus/(Deficit) before Funding (17,522) (15,426) (2,096) (13.6)% (15,518) (17,112)
Operating Grants & Contributions
Operating Grants 971 916 55 6.0% 982 944
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Operating Grants (16,551) (14,510) (2,040) (14.1)% (14,536) (16,168)
Funding Contributions & Overhead Allocations
Capital Grants & Contributions - - - n/a - -
Overhead Allocation (2,578) (2,403) (176) (7.3)% (2,621) (617)
Funding from/(to) Restricted Funds (15,584) (1,513) (14,072) <-100% (1,651) (1,651)
Funding from/(to) General Funds 34,713 18,425 16,288 88.4% 18,808 18,437
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Capital Grants, Contributions & Funding - - - n/a - -

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Page last updated: 27 Jun 2024