2022 International Women’s Day in the Inner West

PLEASE NOTE: This media release has been archived. It contains information that is not current

Tuesday 1 March 2022

Inner West Council will mark 2022 International Women’s Day, 8 March, by honouring the contribution of Aboriginal matriarchs, hosting an In Conversation event with renowned feminist Wendy McCarthy and introducing ‘Learning Journeys’ for local women and girls.

“This year, we will celebrate the strong Aboriginal women who have built, led and empowered our community,” said Inner West Deputy Mayor Jessica D'Arienzo.

“I hope everyone will join us to watch the projections on Marrickville Town Hall (4 – 20 March, 7pm – 9.30pm) and listen to the voices of local Aboriginal women as they share their stories from the past and the present.”

This year, as part of the IWD celebrations, Council is hosting in ‘In Conversation’ event, Don’t Be Too Polite Girls: Wendy McCarthy in conversation with Georgie Dent, at Marrickville Library and Pavilion, Tuesday 8 March, 6.30pm – 7.30pm.

Wendy McCarthy has been on the leading edge of feminism and public life in this country for over 50 years. Wendy is a woman who shaped her times as much as she was shaped by them, and now, at 80 years of age, she shares her remarkable life and achievements. Register now

The IWD Collab(Orate)- Learning Journeys are a diverse range of interactive events and workshops that will provide an opportunity for Inner West women and girls to connect and build community.

They include: 

•Healing Through Culture – Gunawirra, three workshops

•Yarn Bombing - learn yarn crafts and make art, four workshops

•Noisy Girls Making Music for female, non-binary and trans musicians, four workshops

•Roots and All - Creative Writing for young people of colour, four workshops

•Inner Essence Creative Expressions and Self Care for young women, one session

•ACCESS: Workplace Skills for Women, four workshops

•Inner Essence Creative Expressions and Self Care for Women, four workshops

•Mystery Through Art explore Persian Miniatures, 10 workshops

•Women Riding Together - learn to ride for complete beginners, eight sessions

•People of Colour: Power, Resilience & Community Organising, two workshops

•Savvy Finance Learning Program, three workshops in English, Mandarin, Vietnamese and Arabic

IWD Collab(Orate)- Learning Journeys will be held from March – September. Bookings essential.

For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath, Media and Communications Coordinator, 9392 5334 or Elizabeth.Heath@innerwest.nsw.gov.au

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