Garage Sale Trail 2021

Friday, 5 November 2021

Australia’s largest sustainability festival, the Garage Sale Trail, is back this month, Covid-safe and bigger than ever. Celebrate all things pre-loved, thrifted and second-hand

To accommodate Inner West pre-loved shopaholics, Garage Sale Trail 2021 festivities will be hosted online over two massive weekends from 13 to 21 November.

Inner West Mayor Rochelle Porteous said the virtual festival was a win for both the planet and residents’ pockets.

“The Garage Trail Sale is the perfect way for Inner West residents to share, de-clutter, and reuse unwanted clothes, furniture and bric-a-brac.

“A circular economy means stuff is kept in use for as long as possible, delivering the highest value it can, for as long as it can. That’s something all Inner West residents can get behind.”

On 6-7 November, residents can also join a Trail Tutorial online masterclass and learn about “fashion, flipping and fixing the planet”. These classes include:

  • DIY your wardrobe with Daisy Braid aka DIY Daisy: 6 November at 12pm
  • Smart women choose sustainable fashion: 6 November at 4.30pm
  • How to host and style your garage sale: 7 November at 2pm
  • How to host a virtual garage sale: 7 November at 4.30pm

Bookings for all tutorials can be made at

Then, over two big weekends - 13 and 14 November, and 20 and 21 November - residents can host a virtual garage sale or shop the Trail for pre-loved bargains, all from the comfort of their home.

“Virtual garage sales are great for those missing their op-shop fix or looking for a way to bring home some extra cash from all the stuff they’ve sorted through during lockdown,” said Mayor Porteous.

Supporting the Garage Sale Trail also helps to divert waste from landfill and encourages second-hand culture in the Inner West - another step towards zero waste future.

To host a virtual garage sale or shop the Trail online, visit

For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath, Media and Communications Coordinator on +61 2 9392 5334 or at

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