Have your say on Inner West arts and culture

Tuesday 18 February 2020

Council is asking all citizens how to grow and sustain arts and culture in the Inner West.

Feedback will assist in identifying key opportunities and in drafting a Cultural Strategy.

“Creativity and culture are essential to the Inner West’s community, identity and economy,” said Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne.

“We are home to literally hundreds of studios, production houses, artist initiatives, galleries and performance spaces.

“Our local government area has the highest concentration of cultural producers nationally with at least 6,500 local creative and cultural job in the Inner West and 13,000 of our residents working in the sector.

“Altogether, the cultural and creative industries contribute $1.4 billion per annum to the local economy.

“Our goal is to make the Inner West the national capital of independent arts and culture – and now we are asking everyone to tell us their ideas on how we can achieve that,” Mayor Byrne said.

Last year, 70% of respondents to Council’s Wellbeing Survey said that arts and culture is an important Council service.

The draft Cultural Strategy could include a wide range of cultural opportunities and support, such as:

• Aboriginal/First Nations heritage and contemporary practice
• Creativity and innovation
• Integrating culture into urban planning, e.g. creative spaces and art in public places
• Participating in arts and culture at all stages of life
• Support for the arts sector, e.g. through collaborations and capacity building
• Diversifying/extending our cultural offerings, including young people and culturally diverse groups
• Local cultural experiences and services

So far, makers, creators and producers from across the area have already been sharing ideas with Council staff at collaborative sessions during the development of the Community Strategic Plan, Our Inner West 2036.

More recently, independent research was undertaken to shape recommendations:

o Planning Cultural Creation and Production in the Inner West LGA: A case study needs analysis (2018) by Western Sydney University

o Creative Spaces and Venues Discussion Paper (2019) by Leftbank Co and JOC

Feedback is now open and closes on Tuesday 10 March.

For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath, Media and Communications Coordinator, 2 9392 5334 or Elizabeth.Heath@innerwest.nsw.gov.au


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Page last updated: 18 Feb 2020