Inner West After Dark environmental walk and talks

Friday, 13 September 2019

Inner West Council is hosting a series of fascinating walk and talks as part of its Citizen Science program.

Microbats, frogs and wetlands will all come under the microscope.

Join experts for an Inner West After Dark walk and talk to find out how you can become a citizen scientist and help find frogs and microbats using their calls.

Walk leaders are:

• Leading bat researcher Dr Brad Law, Principal Research Scientist in the Department of Primary Industry’s Forest Science Unit, whose personal research program focuses on the ecology of bats, the most species diverse group of forest mammals in NSW

Tempe Wetlands Wednesday, 25 September, 5:30pm

• FrogID Science Communicator and Project Coordinator, Adam Woods, who has facilitated community and citizen science projects for more than 10 years, including identifying frogs across the country with the Australian Museum

Whites Creek Wetlands, Wednesday, 30 October, 7pm

• Dr Nicole Gallahar, one of Inner West Council’s Senior Volunteer and Projects Officers in the Urban Ecology team. As a well-regarded and experienced ecologist, Nicole has a passion for conserving and spreading the word about our fascinating native urban wildlife

Whites Creek Wetlands, Saturday, 28 September, 5:30pm

Tempe Wetlands, Saturday, 16 November, 7:15pm

Bookings are required through Eventbrite

For media enquiries, contact Elizabeth Heath | Media and Communications Coordinator P: +61 2 9392 5334 | E:


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Page last updated: 13 Sep 2019