Have your say on naming a Portuguese precinct in Petersham
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
The community is invited to have their say on the name and location of the precinct.
Council wants to honour and celebrate the long-standing relationship between the Inner West community and the people of Portugal by naming a Portuguese precinct in Petersham.
The Portuguese community has a strong connection to Petersham which spans the last 40 years and now the Portuguese Consulate General of Australia has requested that Council formally acknowledge the connect by naming a Portuguese precinct.
The legacy of the Portuguese community in Petersham involves developing businesses, creating employment and sharing cultures and traditions with the broader community such as the popular Bairro Food and Wine Fair.
In early May Council engaged with Portuguese businesses, community organisations and Petersham businesses, asking them to indicate preferred names and geographic locations for the precinct and those outcomes have been incorporated into the design of the community survey.
Feedback can be submitted online at yoursay.innerwest.nsw.gov.au or by mail addressed to Inner West Council, PO Box 14, Petersham 2049- please mark your submission Petersham Portuguese precinct.
The last day to provide feedback is Tuesday, 25 June 2019.
The feedback received will be incorporated into recommendations to be considered by Council. Once a decision is made by Council, all those who provided feedback with be notified.
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