Meeting to outline the future of Callan Park All citizens and stakeholders interested in the future of Callan Park are invited to attend a public meeting at Leichhardt Oval this month. From providing sporting and recreational facilities, and restored heritage buildings for community use, Callan Park has the potential to be an immense asset for everyone in the inner west. Council will present its vision for the future of the 60 hectare Callan Park at a public meeting at Leichhardt Oval’s Centurion Lounge at 6.30pm on Thursday 15 February. Media are invited to attend. Inner West Mayor Darcy Byrne said six years after the former Leichhardt Council submitted the award-winning Callan Park Master Plan to the NSW State Government, Callan Park is still facing demolition by neglect. “We are committed to a future for the site that protects its open space and heritage, provides space for recreation, and develops health, community and education facilities,” he said. “As Mayor, I am committed to establishing a Trust to secure the future of Callan Park, delivering upgraded sports grounds and a new skate park, helping to make Iron Cove swimmable again, and expanding services for children and families at the Refugee Welcome Centre.” Cr Byrne said the impending departure of Sydney College of Arts from Kirkbride Building, which the State Government has encouraged, is just one challenge facing the future of Callan Park. “The longer the site is left without active management, the further the buildings decay, making restoration and repurposing of the buildings more costly by the day,” he said. “The State Government has also blocked Council’s efforts to upgrade sporting grounds and deliver a new skate park facility, despite the fact that Council has fully allocated funds for these projects. “Please join us at this meeting to hear about the current state of play for Callan Park and to find out how you can help Council lobby for a brighter future for this unique Sydney parkland.”
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