Latest community satisfaction survey results

Thursday, 29 November 2018

Inner West Council’s latest community satisfaction survey shows over ninety per cent of residents are satisfied with Council’s performance.

Over the past 12 months, the overall satisfaction rating has increased, and perception of Council’s value for money and financial management has significantly improved.

Seventy nine per cent of citizens reported they are at least ‘somewhat satisfied’ with Council’s integrity and decision making (up from 70%).

The survey was timed to coincide with the first anniversary of the elected Council. The survey is not only an opportunity to assess the community’s approval of Council activities, services, and facilities, it is also residents’ chance to tell Council what issues concern them.

The survey found that WestConnex remains contentious. Fifty per cent of residents are not very to not at all supportive, while the other 50% are at least somewhat supportive.

Housing affordability also remains problematic.

A large majority reported the Inner West is a ‘good place to live’ (95%). The main areas of concern were overdevelopment, traffic management and congestion, public transport and maintaining green space.

Managing development in the Inner West is the area of least relative satisfaction. This result – which is similar to nearly all Sydney councils – shows that development, population growth and congestion are the primary challenges that the community wants Council to focus on.

Council’s community engagement rating has steadily improved over the three year reporting period, with 61% now saying it is good to excellent.

Many more people said ‘Council offers good value for money’ and ‘Council manages its finances well’ than in the last survey.

Respondents said that they were most satisfied with household garbage collection, libraries, maintenance of parks, playgrounds and sportsfields and the festivals and events program.

According to Micromex Research, who carried out the survey for Council, the overall survey results indicate that Council is on a healthy trajectory”.

In order to build and consolidate on this, Micromex recommended that Council needs to continue to engage and communicate, explore opportunities and innovation in the area of public and active transport, and maintain core operational services such as maintenance of local infrastructure and public spaces.

For further information, please contact Elizabeth Heath | Media and Communications Coordinator P: +61 2 9392 5334 | E:

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Page last updated: 29 Nov 2018