Have your say on Inner West’s libraries
Friday, 14 September 2018
Inner West citizens are invited to help develop Inner West Council’s Library Strategy.
The strategy will guide the library service over the next five years and make sure it meets the needs of users now and in the future.
Council recognises that libraries are a community cornerstone, offering spaces to learn, create and share ideas.
Inner West Council has eight libraries:
- Ashfield Library
- Balmain Library
- Leichhardt Library
- Haberfield Library
- St Peters / Sydenham Library
- Stanmore Library
- Marrickville Library
- Emanuel Tsardoulias Community Library, Dulwich Hill
As well as books, the libraries offer online and digital services, magazines, DVDs, and toys.
They also host a significant and diverse range of events.
Everyone’s invited to have a say on what they want out of their local library, from book requests, to opening hours, to services and other resources.
The feedback will be used to develop a draft Strategy. The draft Strategy will also come back for public exhibition and comment.
For more information, to do the survey, or to see the Library Strategy Timeline, go to www.yoursayinnerwest.com.au
A paper version of the survey is also available by request.
Submissions on the new Inner West Council Library Strategy are welcome until Wednesday, 24 October.