Feel the Love Celebrates Five Years

Council’s fifth annual ‘Feel the Love’ Mardi Gras reception is set for 16 February at Petersham Town Hall as the Mardi Gras festival continues to be embraced in the inner west.

Administrator Richard Pearson said ‘Feel the Love’ was launched five years ago by the former Leichhardt Council to bring the local community together to celebrate Mardi Gras and help Council plan for inclusion of the Gay Lesbian Bisexual Transgender Queer and Intersex community.

“This year’s Feel the Love event will embrace the inner west community and continue to celebrate the fact that the inner west occupies a central place in Australia’s LGBTIQ history made up of communities where there is a strong spirit of cooperation, trust and pride,” he said.

Mr Pearson said the ‘Get Connected Expo’ is an innovative addition to the Feel the Love 2017.

“The Expo provides a great opportunity for groups and service providers from the local LGBTIQ community to set up a stall in the magnificent art deco interior of the Petersham Town Hall and be showcased during the annual Mardi Gras reception event itself,” he said.

Council invites interested residents to join the Reception Celebration from 7pm to 9pm on Thursday16 February at Petersham Town Hall at 107 Crystal Street, Petersham.

Barbara Blacksheep will host the Reception featuring local icons ‘The Polly’s Club’, ‘The Flying Bats Womens’ Football Club’ and ‘Political Children’ theatre production.

Next morning, Balmain Town Hall hosts a Rainbow Flag Raising at 7.45am Friday 17 February.

Mr Pearson said Council will also place banners to celebrate Mardi Gras at a number of key locations across the LGA including Ashfield Civic Centre and Newtown Neighbourhood Centre.

“Rainbow flags and banners are raised every year to show support for diversity and the benefits it brings to the local community,” he said.

Mr Pearson said the annual forum, a ‘Rainbow Roundtable’ to be held in May this year, will also provide a platform for members of the local LGBTIQ communities to come together to discuss emerging issues and talk about local initiatives.

“The Rainbow Roundtable will provide an important opportunity for the local LGBTIQ community to contribute their ideas and views into Council's decision making process,” he said.

Council is also celebrating Mardi Gras with installation ‘Booby Dinosaur’ at Newtown’s ArtSeat and an associated Mog & Mog exhibition running concurrently at Council’s Chrissie Cotter Gallery in Camperdown; plus Marrickville Library will host Robert Reynolds and Shirleene.

Robinson talking about their book ‘Gay And Lesbian, then and now: Australian Stories from A Social Revolution’ from 7.45pm on 15 March.

‘Feel The Love’ is organised by Council in consultation and partnership with a working party comprised of representatives of the LGBTIQ communities. 

Innwe Wat MardiGras

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