Council opposed to WestConnex M4-M5 Link

Thursday 20 July 2017

Inner West Council is opposing State Government plans for the M4-M5 WestConnex link and is urging local residents to have their say before it’s too late. 

Administrator, Richard Pearson said a close examination of the Government’s plans by Council raised a long list of problems with the Concept Designs which would have a major impact on the local community.

The M4/M5 Link will connect the WestConnex interchanges at Haberfield and St Peters. It includes a proposed interchange at Rozelle which would join WestConnex to Victoria Road, Johnston Street, the Anzac Bridge and the proposed Western Harbour Tunnel.

“Council has major concerns with the design plans which are very vague and show only large ‘potential construction areas’, which will endure truck traffic, noise and dust pollution,” Mr Pearson said.

“Local residents will face years more WestConnex pain, with the SMC planning to use existing construction sites at Wattle Street and Walker Avenue until the end of the project.”

An analysis of the State Government plans by Council raised a host of major concerns with the project, which include:

  • Major construction sites proposed for Darley Road in Leichhardt and at the corner of Pyrmont Bridge and Parramatta Roads
  • Increased traffic on Victoria Road, Johnston Street, The Crescent and the eastern section of City West Link
  • Compulsory property acquisitions along Victoria Road
  • Construction impacts for large areas including Wattle Street and Walker Avenue in Haberfield
  • Large unfiltered ventilation stacks at Haberfield, the Rozelle Rail Yards, Victoria Road and St Peters
  • Inadequate pedestrian access to the linear park about the Rozelle interchange
  • Restriction of public transport options for White Bay / Balmain light rail and Western Metro rail
  • The Rozelle Interchange which may not actually be necessary 

Mr Pearson is urging anyone who lives or works in the inner west to have their say before submissions close on 4 August 2017. 

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