Perfect Match 2016: Friday 5 – Sunday 7 August

It’s that Perfect time of the year again. Perfect Match is back and doing what it does best – transforming dull and tagged walls into vibrant and colourful public art.

Council’s innovative initiative matches inner west property owners with local and international artists, creating new public artworks for everyone to enjoy.

From 5-7 August, Inner West Council residents are invited to a series of artwork unveiling celebrations, and cycle, walking, bus, and photography tours.

In its first year alone, Perfect Match gave the community 14 murals – including the award-winning work on Stanmore Library, the massive cowboy at Rallis Timber in Marrickville by world-renowned Fintan Magee, and Thomas Thorby Lister’s whimsical creation at Marrickville Bowling Club.

Last year, Perfect Match brought Fintan Magee back to the ‘hood after a residency in Mexico and fresh from having his Atlanta mural named as one of the 25 best in the world. His 2015 Perfect Match work, Housing Bubble on Newtown’s Urban Hotel, is now an Enmore Road landmark.

Sid Tapia, Ears, Capiche, Birdhat, Art of Wall, Jumboist, and Hugues Sineux also all contributed works to Perfect Match 2015.

This year, Perfect Match features familiar names such as Mulga, Sid Tapia, Akisiew, Peque, Capiche and Jumboist. – and newcomers Alex Lehours, Steven Nuttall (OX), Camo, Nitsua, [HA HA] (Regan Tamanui) and Thomas Jackson.

Mandy Salter’s Perfect Match 2016 work in Stanmore has already been installed. Property owner Elina Moreau Braunstein said it looks “amazing”.

“Mandy has transformed the neglected corner of Cavendish Lane into a humorous and colourful feature in the streetscape, providing character and identity to what was always an unattractive frontage,” Elina said.

“Thanks to [Inner West Council], we were matched with an artist of our choice and her artwork now forms a marker on the corner of Cavendish Lane and Merchant Street - and we have already been approached by happy neighbours.

“We would like to thank you for the time and enthusiasm which has been put into organising this. It has been inspiring to be part of your project and we are very excited about the result,” Elina said.

This year, the spotlight is on the new Camperdown arts precinct.

At Shine On Camperdown on Sunday 7 August, locals can meet the artists and creatives who have brought to life this hub of art, food, recreation and community.

Everyone can discover the art-laden leafy laneways between bustling King Street and Parramatta Road, celebrate the upgraded Camperdown Park and the old Camperdown Bowling Club – now Camperdown Commons, and drop into the Chrissie Cotter Gallery exhibition (‘Bus TV’), and the nearby Art Camp giant inflatable installation and workshop.

And on Saturday 6 August, Sydney’s famous Stencil Art Prize joins forces with Marrickville Bowling Club to present a dynamic afternoon of live art and music.

Artists will be applying large scale paste-ups, sharing stories and selling prints at the art market on Faversham Street, while the Club’s new stage will be christened with live music by some of the inner west’s best bands.

For the full line up go to: or

To find out more about the entire weekend of activities, go to Council’s Perfect Match webpage and download the program and map

For an interview with an artist or a property owner, or a print quality image, contact the Communication team.

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