New structure to deliver savings for Inner West Council

The Inner West Council is set to forge ahead with a new permanent senior staff structure which has already proven successful in the local government industry and will deliver big savings and strong services for the community.

The new structure includes a General Manager and three Deputy General Managers, in place of the three General Managers and eight Directors of the predecessor council structures.

Interim General Manager Rik Hart said that the rationalisation of these top tier senior leadership positions would deliver savings of $2.3 million per year over the next ten years.

“This is a significant saving for the residents of the new Inner West Council,” he said.

“Those funds will be reinvested into delivering the core services and infrastructure of the Council – things like roads and footpaths, waste management and libraries.”

Seven senior staff have accepted voluntary redundancies or resigned and received contractual payouts since the creation of the Inner West Council.

The cost incurred through the departure of these senior staff, which includes both redundancies and contractually required payouts, totals $1,380,842.

With the exception of the General Manager’s position, these roles were fully funded and will not be backfilled. Therefore those costs were covered by the existing budget.

The cost is dwarfed by the expected $23,412,326 saving to be generated by the operation of a leaner senior management team over the next ten years.

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Page last updated: 31 Jul 2018