Public Interest Disclosure (PID) Form

Reporting fraud or corruption

At Inner West Council, we encourage reporting of fraud and corruption.  This may involve situations where a staff member or contractor is suspected to be engaged in serious mismanagement, breaking government rules, violating privacy, or causing significant waste of public funds. This also includes any report of staff misconduct.

Your disclosure


Your details

Anonymous disclosure will be investigated if sufficient information is provided. It may, however, be difficult to investigate the matter(s) disclosed if Council cannot contact you for further information. 


Council is committed to maintaining confidentiality in accordance with the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2022 while the Public Interest Disclosure (PID) is being investigated.

Further information on your protection and confidentiality can be found in Council's Public Interest Disclosure Policy.

What happens next

Council will acknowledge receiving your disclosure and let you know:

  • Outcomes of the initial review, what action can be taken, if an investigation will take place and reasons for decisions made.
  • Progress of any investigation(s).
  • Results of the investigation(s), including information, whether Council found serious wrongdoing took place, details of corrective action(s) and steps taken to prevent any future occurrence.

Further information can be found in Council's Public Interest Disclosure Policy.

Mandatory field(s) marked with *

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Page last updated: 22 Aug 2024