Rozelle Fire Memorials (2015 and 2016)

Patrick O'Rourke

Rozelle Hoardings Patrick O'RourkeThis mural was commissioned in the wake of the Rozelle Fire which devastated the local community of Rozelle in 2015. Artist Patrick O'Rourke met with family members, locals and business owners affected by the tragedy, in order to design a large scale mural on the hoardings around the sites flattened by the fire. This was a temporary work which came down when the replacement buildings were erected.

  • Site: Corner Nelson and Darling Streets, Rozelle
  • Artist: Patrick O'Rourke and the Rozelle community

Jimmy Rix

A permanent memorial was erected to commemorate the Rozelle Fire which saw the loss of life, and deeply affected many in the community. Jimmy Rix was invited to design a work in steel, which would permanently mark this tragic event, and he used the motifs of hearts, indicating the love and support of the Rozelle community at this time, and the boat to indicate the journey towards everlasting life.

  • Site: Nelson Street, Rozelle
  • Artist: Jimmy Rix

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Page last updated: 12 Sep 2023