A different kind of place

“A different kind of place" - Avenonima, Lucy Merrett, Shahroud Ghahani, Tamara Pavlovic, Zorica Purlija

Crossroads_Chrissie Cotter newsletter-1 

Image: Crossroads (2020) by Zorica Purlija


Avenonima, Lucy Merret, Shahroud Ghahani, Tamara Pavlovic and Zorica Purlija

Artist/s statement

A Different Kind Of Place, draws upon female experiences of pressures of biculturalism revealed as states of being and moving through the world. The themes of layered identity, intimacy, personal history, memory and contested power structures are viewed through a self-reflexive female gaze.

Avenonima, Lucy Merrett, Shahroud Ghahani, Tamara Pavlovic and Zorica Purlija consider the influence of structures of power on individual female emplacement and resilience as seen through divergent perspectives on nurturance, connectedness, the environment, the everyday and future shaping.

Avenonima, draws surreal connections to speak to female resilience within an encultured, gendered, subjectivity of the human condition; Lucy Merrett uses object making as a talisman to understand and connect to the ever fleeting present; Shahroud Ghahani's collages reconfigure fractured personal realities in conflict across cultures; Tamara Pavlovic centres the isolated female figure within personal psychological environments through moody, fluid, painterly mediums; Zorica Purljica’s photomedia penetrate the veneer of the stable and ever changing that surrounds her and us.

  • Opening: Saturday 1 July 2pm to 4pm
  • Exhibition runs: 29 June to 16 July 2023
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Page last updated: 25 Feb 2025