Planned Council tree works

Notice on Routine Tree Works

Council is receiving a high volume of calls regarding delayed routine tree works.

Due to the ongoing weather events over the past eight weeks, there is significant tree damage with failed branches and fallen trees across greater Sydney.

Council is currently prioritising the removal of storm damaged trees that pose a significant risk to people or property.

All routine tree works are on hold until the storm damage is cleared.

Council’s main priority is the safety of our community, so we appreciate your patience during this time.

For private property damage including fallen trees, call NSW SES on 132 500.

For life threating emergencies, call Triple Zero (000).


Planned Council Works

Trees are one of our most important natural assets.

Inner West Council conducts cyclical maintenance of its street trees. This includes pruning works to improve tree health and structure, remove deadwood, and allow for clearance for buildings, pedestrian and vehicle traffic. 

Removal of trees is seen as the last option - Council will always look for other management options first. Unfortunately, in some cases and due to risk to public and property, removal may be the only option. Any tree that is identified for removal will have a notice affixed to the tree. 

Please note that Council does not prune trees for power line clearance. Ausgrid is responsible for pruning street trees in these circumstances and sets out the required clearance for its power lines. Visit the Ausgrid power line clearance page for more information and planned trimming dates. 

Trees on Notification for Removal
Date: 03 February 2025
Location: 7 Bright Street Marrickville
Tree species: Eucalyptus botryoides
Reason for removal: Poor health, condition and structure.
Replacement planting: Council will plant a replacement tree as part of our ongoing planting programs.
Date: 10 February 2025
Location: 28 Dixson Avenue Dulwich Hill
Tree species: Eucalyptus mannifera (Brittle gum)
Reason for removal: The tree is in poor condition, exhibits crown dieback and has a short useful life expectancy.
Replacement planting: Council will plant a replacement tree as part of our ongoing planting programs.
Date: 14 February 2025
Location: 15 Miller St Petersham
Tree species: Corymbia citriodora (Lemon Scented Gum)
Reason for removal: The tree exhibits poor form, with lions tailed limbs and sparse canopy. Limb failure is foreseeable and no mitigation options with AS4373 are available to reduce risk to an acceptable level.
Replacement planting: Council will plant a replacement tree as part of our 2024/2025 planting program.
Date: 6 March 2025
Location: 89 Lilyfield Road Lilyfield
Tree species: Ulmus Parvifolia (Chinese Elm)
Reason for removal: Poor habit and significant obstruction to road access
Replacement planting: Council will plant a replacement tree as part of our 2024/2025 planting program.

For further information please send an email to

Inner West Council is committed to increasing our tree canopy with new tree plantings that will improve our urban environment. To find out more visit

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Page last updated: 06 Mar 2025