Lost and Found Inner West Pets


Pet owners must notify Council if your pet is missing, when they are back home again, or if they have passed away.

If your pet resides in the Inner West Council area, and they have been lost, please notify Council by lodging a request:

External linkI've lost my pet

External linkI've found a dog 

You can see the current listed lost, found and reunited pets under the green headings below.

Note: this page is managed by Council's Companion Animal Services team. It is updated within 1 to 2 working days of receiving a notification.

Lost pets


Found pets


Reunited pets

Other steps to take

When looking for a missing pet you should also contact your local vets and animal shelter.

You may also wish to 'door-knock' around your local area and/or post a photo and description of your pet on the following Facebook pages (don't forget to update your post once your pet is found!)

What happens when Council finds lost dogs? 

Council has a specialised Companion Animal Services team. This team is solely dedicated to the management of cats and dogs in our area.

Officers make all attempts to return animals seized to their owners. If an owner cannot be contacted, the animal will be transported to an approved animal impounding facility**.

Before owners can collect their pet, they must pay release and maintenance fees to the impounding facility.

Cats and dogs may be impounded at a local impounding facility depending on your suburb.

Sydney Dogs and Cats Home (SDCH) is the chosen impound facility for found animals in our local government area.

Did you know? 

  • SDCH never place a 'time limit' on any animal awaiting adoption
  • SDCH is a registered charity and an active rehoming facility
  • Since 1946 SDCH have reunited and rehomed over 200,000 animals


Sydney Dogs and Cats Home

Head Office 442-446 Liverpool Rd, Strathfield South NSW 2136
Austral Boarding facility 459-465 Fifteenth Ave, Austral NSW 2179
02 9587 9611


*Under section 62A(1) of the Companion Animals Act, 1998, an approved premise is any premises (other than a Council pound) operated by an approved person.

**Under section 62(1) of the Companion Animals Act, 1998, animals seized under the authority of that Act must cause the seized animal to be delivered as soon as possible to its owner, a Council pound, or to any approved premises.

Roaming cats

Cats are allowed to roam
Unlike dogs, cats are permitted to roam. It is not unlawful for a cat to enter private property or roam public places. 

If you are bothered by a roaming cat, make contact with the owner and politely express your concerns.
Letterbox drops and door-knocking may help you to locate a cat’s owner. Remember, cats may roam over a wide area.

You may also consider attaching a paper collar displaying your contact details and a polite message asking the owner to contact you. Ensure that the collar is able to tear off easily if it becomes caught on a fence or tree branch. Download AWL's paper collar template here.

Welfare concerns
If you are concerned for the welfare of a cat contact RSPCA or Animal Welfare League to report your concerns. If you find an injured cat, and you are able to safely capture it, take it to a vet for assessment.
If you lose your pet notify your local council as soon as possible. Council staff can update the Companion Animals Register (CAR) to flag your pet as ‘missing’.

Nuisance Cats
If you wish to report a nuisance cat, contact Council on 9392 5000 or log your request via the online request management system on Council’s website. Council may request that you make a formal statement to support your claim and provide relevant details.

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Page last updated: 26 Feb 2025