Support services for young people

The Inner West Council hosts a range of services with various partners in the local government area.

Contact us via our Youth Programs email:

There are a number of local area support services for young people. Find links below.

Logo reading the text Ask IzzyAskIzzy

AskIzzy is a website that connects people in need with housing, a meal, money help family violence support, counselling and much more.

It is free and anonymous, with over 370,000 services listed across Australia.

headspace-ashfieldHeadspace Ashfield

260 Liverpool Road, Ashfield, NSW, 2131
Phone: (02) 9193 8000

Australia's leading youth mental health service headspace, is now operating in Ashfield.

The Centre is open to assist young people with health advice and support and information, around a range of matters including:

  • caring for others;
  • stress;
  • relationships;
  • employment;
  • depression.

Services include mental health counselling, education and employment support, alcohol and other drugs services, community engagement activities, physical/ sexual health services. 

myrcMidjuburi Youth Resource Centre (MYRC)

Cnr Yablsey Avenue and Northcote Street, Marrickville NSW 2204
Phone: (02) 9564 3222

MYRC offers a variety of services for young people aged 12 to 24 years including:

  • Recreation Afternoons;
  • School Holiday Programs;
  • Computer Room;
  • Music Studio;
  • Youthblock counselling;
  • GP services and
  • Short term projects.

You will also find youth workers who will support you and refer you to an appropriate specialist service when necessary. 

debbieandabbieMarrickville PCYC Debbie and Abbey Borgia Community Rec Centre

531 Illawarra Road, Marrickville, NSW
Phone: 02 9559 7722

The Debbie & Abbey Borgia Community Recreation Centre has three multi-purpose indoor sports courts, eight community meeting and activity rooms and the Steel Park Café.

The Centre provides sport, recreation, leisure and other activities for all sections of the community: toddlers, teenagers, parents, senior citizens, sporting teams, school groups and community organisations.

Balmain PCYCBalmain PCYC

372 Darling St, Balmain NSW 2041
Phone: 02 9810 2234

Located just down from the historic Town Hall on Darling Street, the Balmain PCYC has played a vital role in supporting the young people of Balmain and its surrounds since 1938. We have a range of fun, safe activities including Kids boxing, kids yoga, kids dance, school holiday programs, martial arts and much more.

Alcohol and Other Drugs Information Service (ADIS) telephone services

Your Room: Learn more about some of the most commonly used drugs affecting Australians right now. 

Phone: 1800 250 015

ADIS provides 24-hour 7 day a week telephone counselling, support, referrals and information for those affected by alcohol or other drugs. ADIS counsellors are trained to work with people who are concerned about their own alcohol and drug use, as well as callers who are concerned about their family or friends. ADIS is a free service which is available to all residents of NSW.

Cancer Institute NSW

Do you know what you're vaping? 

Family Drug Support (FDS)

Phone: 1300 368 186

Family Drug Support (FDS) provides 24 hours a day, 7 days a week telephone support to families and carers in crisis due to alcohol and other drug use issues. FDS is staffed by volunteers who have experience of family members with alcohol and other drug use. FDS also provide face-to-face support meetings and resources for family members.

Stimulant Treatment Line (STL)

Sydney metropolitan - Phone: (02) 9361 8088
Regional and rural NSW - Phone: 1800 10 11 88

The Stimulant Treatment Line (STL) provides information, referral, crisis counselling and support specifically for people who use stimulants, such as methamphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy. The STL is a free service with counsellors available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to speak with callers about their own or someone else's stimulant use.

Youth Off The Streets - Dunlea AOD Youth Service

Sydney metropolitan: (02) 9721 5750

Dunlea Alcohol and Other Drugs Youth Service provides drug and alcohol support from Monday to Friday between 8am and 4pm. The service helps young people aged 13-19 years old who want to take control of their drug use.

Logo reading the text Ask IzzyThe Burdekin Association

Phone: 02 8976 1777

The Burdekin Association is a community-based not-for-profit organisation. We aim to prevent youth homelessness and family breakdown by providing a range of innovative accommodation, care and support services to young people aged between 9 and 24 and their families on Sydney's Northern Beaches and Inner West suburbs.

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Page last updated: 06 Feb 2025