#RacismNotWelcome street sign campaign

Frequently asked questions or concerns

How is this initiative being funded?

The Inner West Multicultural Network has provided the funding for this initiative.
Inner West Council has provided minimal staffing resources in support of the campaign.

What is the purpose of these signs?

The aim of these signs is to start conversations, encourage collective action and make it clear that racism, injustice and bigotry are not tolerated the Inner West and subsequently throughout Australia.

The signs are intended to allow difficult conversations and strengthen a sense of community.

Is there racism in the Inner West?

According to SBS broadcaster and activist Craig Foster, “Racism does exist, it is here, it is the daily, lived experience of too many Australians and we all have a responsibility to stand together against this rise of prejudice because we know where it leads.”

Research-based evidence published by UTS and UNSW, Per Capita and the Asian- Australian Alliance, there has been a rise in racism during COVID-19.

How will the signs be protected from graffiti?

The signs have an anti-graffiti film which allows any graffiti to be wiped off.

It is going to be confusing to have 40 streets with the same sign.

Street names are not changing and the signs will not be going at any major intersections or crossings so as not to cause confusion and/or be a hazard.

How are locations chosen?

Locations are chosen based on high-traffic areas and placing an equal amount of signs in each ward.

The location of the sign does not mean that specific street has increased racism – it is intended to encourage and reinforce anti-racist behaviour.




If you have further questions please contact:

Convenor of the Inner West Multicultural Network

Rosanna Barbero, Chief Executive Officer

Inner West Council Multicultural Community Officer

Multicultural Community Officer

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Page last updated: 30 Apr 2024