Telling your stories - Inner West COVID19

Inner West residents experienced Covid19 lockdown from 20 March to 1 June 2020.

As part of the lockdown experience, the local residents were asked to tell their story in times of isolation.

Strong themes emerged from their experiences. Their works highlighted their isolation, the empty streets, the resilience and increased community connectivity plus the emerging new normal.

The call out for stories returned 224 images, 10 stories, 12 poems, 3 artworks and 3 videos submitted by people who encompassed those who worked from home (WFH), the elderly, children and teenagers.

This Inner West project captured these local experiences for future generations to look back upon and make sense of this strange period in world history.  Below is a selection of the entries.

Thank you for all your contributions - we're collating and will notify the gift card recipients by the end of July. For more information about how we ran the project go to


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Fisher family quarantine 2020

if your hand could talk what would it say

The bells of St John's

The Dailypost

This too shall pass - Cara Wood

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Page last updated: 10 Mar 2025