Oral histories and podcasts

Inner West Council Oral History Collection contains 130 Oral Histories. Each oral history comes with a transcript. 

Click here for oral histories via the Indyreads website

Click here for oral histories via our library catalogue

Since 1997 we have interviewed people to capture their memories of living and working in the area in earlier times.

Interviews are conducted by volunteers, local history staff and oral historians that are funded through the Council’s Local History Grants program.

The Oral History Collection contains oral histories from the Inner West Council area and cover a range of themes including:

  • Local activism
  • Refugees
  • Industrial Heritage
  • Gentrification
  • Growing up in the Inner West

The earlier Oral Histories were completed in between 1996-1998 with many completed projects following. The Inner West Council is committed to continue supporting and conducting the Oral History project with volunteers, local historians and local organisations that are committed to recording the rich voices of our local community.

We've used interviews for a number of reasons. People are much more interesting than documents, and they often have anecdotes to tell which will not be found in the formal records. The interviews:

  • Let us hear the voices of people who actually experienced the times they are describing
  • Make history come alive in a unique and fascinating way
  • Allow interviewees to reminiscence
  • Add to our understanding of the social history of the Inner West area
  • Preserve memories that would most probably have been lost forever.

If you have any enquiries please email history@innerwest.nsw.gov.au

Justo Diaz playing a guitar
Justo Diaz - Inner Latin America Oral History Project

Inner Latin America Oral History Project

Hear eight captivating stories about the peak of Latin American refugee and migrant flows, and of global solidarity activism at Sydney’s Inner West between the 1970s and 1990s.
Learn more

Young women in red and white dresses performing a dance at the Norton Street Festival
Norton Street Festival - Italian Leichhardt Storytelling Project

Italian Leichhardt Storytelling Project

Hear stories of the Leichhardt Italian migration experience between the 1920s to the 1960s.
Learn more

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Page last updated: 31 May 2024