Facilities at Dawn Fraser Baths

Dawn Fraser Baths is a tidal saltwater pool. We have solar-heated hot water showers.


There's a kiosk that serves hot food, snacks, ice creams, and hot and cold drinks.


Balmain Swimming Club

Balmain Swimming Club is the oldest in Australia, and meets for all ages, from juniors to 'Golden Oldies', every Saturday afternoon during the summer season. So come along and keep our oldest swim club alive!

Balmain Water Polo Club

Home to the Balmain Water Polo Club, the first game of water polo in Australia was played at these baths (circa 1888), and we still host International Water Polo games.

Water quality

The condition of the harbour water is reported daily by Beachwatch at the Office of Environment and Heritage. After heavy rain, our pool, like other swimming locations such as beaches, may be closed if the water quality is not to standard.

The pool is only re-opened after water quality has been approved by the Office of Environment and Heritage. Please check Beachwatch for the latest updates.

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Page last updated: 06 Feb 2024