Cooks River parklands upgrade
Project Update
Stage 1-Waterplay park.
Stage 2- Playground upgrade, bio-retention stormwater treatment system construction, cycleway and pedestrian lighting installation, and general park facility upgrade and access improvements
Stage 3 - Youth facility, tidal creek and wetland stormwater treatment system construction, access improvements
stage 1 - Steel Park
Stage 2- Steel Park, Warren Park, Richardson’s Lookout, Cooks River Foreshore, and Kendrick Park
Stage 3 - HJ Mahoney Reserve
Stage 1 -Completed
Stage 2 -Completed - Practical Completion August 201920
Stage 3 -Completed - Practical Completion October 2020.
Kendrick Park - showing new seats and refurbish Picnic areas.
Mahoney Reserve - showing multi-use Court, Skate Park, Picnic area and x-art wall.
Steel Park - Picnic area, with Play area
Richardson's Lookout - Understory Plantings and paths
Photos -Artist Impressions:
Map of Cooks River Parklands upgrade works (PDF 2.5MB)