Development contributions

Certain development may require a financial contribution towards new and upgraded amenities for the people that will live and work in the development.

Inner West Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan commenced on 20 February 2023 and repeals and replaces all of Council's previous development contributions plans. It applies across Inner West local government area and indicates what development requires a financial contribution, how to calculate the contribution, and when and how to pay the contribution.

Key steps to determine the contribution

In summary, the plan applies to development that:

  • is on land within the Inner West LGA
  • needs consent, including complying development
  • is not identified as excluded development per section 1.3 of the plan
  • will result in a net population increase or, if it won't, has a development cost of more than $200,000

A section 7.11 contribution is required if the development will result in a net population increase while a section 7.12 levy is required if the development will not result in a net population increase and has a development cost of more than $200,000.

A development’s net population increase is determined using occupancy rates specified in section 2.1 of the plan. The development cost is determined using development cost forms in Appendix B of the plan.

Current section 7.11 contribution rates for different types of development can be downloaded below. They will be indexed for inflation at the time of consent and again at the time of payment in accordance with quarterly movements to the Consumer Price Index (All Groups Sydney) published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

Section 7.12 contributions are calculated as 1 per cent of the development cost over $200,000. Applicants must submit a completed development cost form if the development cost is over $150,000 (and it is determined the development will not result in a net population increase).

If a contribution is required, the consent authority determining the application (for example, Council or a registered certifier) will impose a condition in the consent or complying development certificate specifying the contribution required, how it will be indexed, when it needs to be paid, and how it can be paid.

Complying development

Registered certifiers are responsible for determining if a contribution is required in accordance with the plan and, if a contribution is required, imposing a condition in the complying development certificate requiring the contribution.

Appendix C specifies the wording of the condition certifiers must use. Applicants must pay the contribution before commencing the complying development works. This will be subject to compliance checking.

Previous contributions plans

Previous contributions plans may apply to existing development consents and applications made before the start of Inner West Local Infrastructure Contributions Plan 2023. See transitional arrangements in the new plan for more information. Previous plans can be downloaded here.

Planning agreements

A person may make an offer to the Council to carry out works or provide another kind of material public benefit or dedicate land, in part or full satisfaction of a monetary contribution required by a condition of consent imposed under the plan.

For further information, please refer to the planning agreements section of Council’s website.


How to pay contributions

Visit our customer request management system and select the "Section 7.11/7.12 Contributions Invoice" category to fill out your details.

Customer request management system

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Page last updated: 29 Jan 2025