WestConnex Stage 2 New M5 - Beverley Hills to St Peters

Stage two of WestConnex includes:

  • Twin 9km tunnels
    To run underground from Kingsgrove to St Peters, passing beneath Arncliffe under the Princes Highway before emerging at Campbell Street.
  • A traffic interchange
    To be located at St Peters, next to Sydney Park, feeding traffic into Edgeware and Enmore Roads and King Street.
  • Road widening
    Widening of Campbell Street and Euston Road.

What is Council doing?

  • Working to reduce the traffic impacts on King Street, Princes Highway and Sydney Park Road, with a commitment from the State Government to collaborate with us.
  • Making sure there is improved traffic modelling and impacts on local streets are fully considered.
  • Obtaining a commitment from the State Government to fully fund the upgrade of Camdenville Park in line with Council’s adopted Master Plan once this stage is completed.
  • Working to get an improved design for the St Peters interchange, with more of it built underground.

Advocating for community interests - January 2019

In mid-January 2019 the Stage 2 contractor released a draft Parking and Access plan for the New M5 facilities and surrounding streets; this document outlines the proposed parking schemes for affected areas when New M5 becomes fully Operational. The contractor invited community feedback on the plan. Inner West Council officers promptly reviewed the proposed setup and submitted formal recommendations within the two-week window allowed for feedback (one recommendation being that the window for feedback be extended to the 22nd of February).  The proposed Operational Parking and Access Strategy and Council's Submission of Recommendations can be downloaded from the links below: 

Proposed New M5 Operational Parking and Access Strategy (PDF 15.1MB) 

Inner West Council's Submission of Recommendations for the Operational Parking and Access Strategy (PDF 178.3KB) 

Air Quality

All Sydney road tunnels have management plans that involve 24-hour-a-day monitoring of tunnel air quality to ensure they are complying with independent pre-determined guidelines for in-tunnel air quality.
Under the Conditions of Approval for the New M5:

  • Local (ambient) air quality will be monitored for at least 12 months before the tunnel opens to traffic and for at least two years after opening;
  • Air quality inside the road tunnels will be monitored to ensure strict standards are met; and
  • Monitoring results are publicly available and independently audited.

In 2017, Sydney Motorway Corporation (SMC) established the Air Quality Community Consultative Committee (AQCCC) for the New M5 (Stage 2) project. The AQCCC is made up on representatives from the proponent, tunnel operator, councils and community members. For further information on the New M5 AQCCC including terms of reference and minutes of meetings, refer to SMC's website.  

Key Documents

Every effort is made to keep this list up to date. However, you may like to check the WestConnex New M5 website.

Work Notifications

You can find up to date notifications of works associated with Stage 2 at the WestConnex updates for New M5 website.


Council staff met with Roads & Maritime Services regarding King Street Gateway Project (WestConnex New M5).  To view the minutes click on the link below;

27 April 2017 Inner West Council and Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) meeting minutes (PDF 188.5KB)

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Page last updated: 31 May 2019