Heritage items and areas

The Inner West Council area is unique and rich with items that contribute to the heritage significance of the Local Government Area(LGA).

Heritage significance means buildings and places that have special historical, scientific, cultural, social, archaeological, architectural, natural or aesthetic value.

Heritage sites are classified as either a heritage item or a heritage conservation area (HCA). If land has been identified as either containing a heritage item or located within a HCA, then special heritage planning controls will apply to all development on that land.

All heritage items and conservation areas are listed in Schedule 5 of the Inner West Local Environmental Plan 2022.

How can I find out if a property is listed as a heritage item or in a conservation area?

You can find out if a property is listed as a heritage item or in a conservation area via the following:

Schedule 5 of the Local Environmental Plan
Planning Certificates
NSW Planning Portal (under the heritage Planning layer)
NSW Office Environment and Heritage

Heritage inventory

Each heritage item and conservation area will have an inventory which provides information as to its significance these can currently be found at the following links below:

Heritage Items:
Former Ashfield Council Area
Former Leichhardt Council Area
Former Marrickville Council Area

Heritage Conservation Areas

The heritage inventory provides a clear statement of the heritage significance of each individual site / structure.

Each sheet has been prepared in accordance with guidelines provided by the Heritage Division of the NSW Office of Environment and Heritage.

Council’s objective in commissioning the heritage inventory sheets is to increase and enhance the amount of heritage information available to local owners, residents, Councillors, staff, potential owners /residents, professionals and stakeholders and the wider public on existing heritage items and archaeological sites within the local government area.

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Page last updated: 16 Apr 2024