Road opening

Applying for a permit – before you begin

The Road Opening Permit is issued under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.

The purpose of the Road Opening Permit is to ensure the works are undertaken in a safe manner, whilst minimising disruption to the public. The permit sets out Council's specifications, including how and by whom the permanent restoration will be undertaken.

The Road Opening Permit application should be lodged by or on behalf of the contractor undertaking the works. Before lodging the application, you will need to have decided whether you would like Council to undertake the permanent restoration or if you wish to engage a private contractor. Keep in mind that Council reserves the right to decline or insist on undertaking the permanent restoration, depending on the nature and scale of the works.

Fees and charges

All fees below are charged lodgement. Council will advise you of any additional fees after assessment of the application and payment will be required prior to approval of the Permit.

Fee Charge
Application fee (non-refundable) $133.70
Inspection fees (min 2 rate $196.40 per inspection) $392.80
Unauthorised work or late lodgement fee (non-refundable) $668.00

Minimum refundable deposit

You will be charged the following depending on the scope of works

Scope Charge
The scope is limited to the footpath and the restoration is less than 4 square metres and will NOT extend to the road $1,782.20
The scope is limited to less than 5 square metres of the road (can include crossing the footpath) $3,182.00
Other scope $4,456.00

Additional charges may include:

  • The refundable security deposit is 30% of the calculated restoration costs based on Council’s Fees & Charges (or minimum above)
  • An asset integrity charge of 30% of the calculated restoration costs based on Council’s Fees and Charges may be applicable, depending on the nature and location of the works
  • Additional fees if the Council officer determines the areas have exceeded the initial estimation or measurement
  • Council may charge additional inspection fees for larger restoration jobs
  • Night works loading or traffic control charges

If you are requesting Council to complete the permanent restoration

Following are the most common restoration charges applicable when Council will be undertaking the permanent restoration.

Fee Unit Charge
Site establishment fee (item) 1 $489.80
Footpath - Concrete (80mm thick) Sqm $361.20
Road pavement - Asphalt (AC10/AC20, up to 150mm) on existing base   Sqm


Driveway residential Sqm $439.80
Grass verge (100 mm topsoil) Sqm $96.90

For all other restoration charges please see the Council’s adopted fees and charges which can be found in the current fees and charges page.

Questions you will need to answer during online lodgement

You will need to provide the following information in support of your application:

  • Address of associated property.
  • Details of related development approval, if applicable (i.e. Development Consent, Complying Development Certificate)
  • Details of the associated activity – location and summary of works/activity
  • Nominate who you wish to undertake the permanent restoration – Private contractor or Council
  • Timing of works - dates, if the work has already started/completed and out of hours work
  • Expiry date of public liability insurance cover
  • Applicant details

Application form

You will need to complete the below application form:

Mandatory supporting documents

Please ensure you have the following documents ready before commencing your online application. These documents will need to be uploaded with the application during lodgement.

If the requested documents are not provided, the assessment of your application will be delayed and may be refused.

  • Application form – a signed copy of the application form
  • Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency – required for every application
  • A traffic control plan (prepared by RMS accredited person) in compliance with RMS Traffic Control at Work Sites Manual Guidelines – AS1742.3 and Work Cover NSW regulations
  • Scope of works/site plan
  • A draft notification letter(s) for distribution by the applicant to residents in the affected area, for approval by Council
  • A photograph showing the location of the proposed road opening (with annotations of photo showing exact location)

If you are on or near a state road or traffic lights

If the works are to be carried out on or near a Transport for NSW state classified road or traffic lights, you will need to demonstrate that you have obtained written consent from Transport for NSW.

For the list of the state-classified roads within the Inner West Council can be viewed at the roads page.

Terms and conditions

You will need to sign the applicant's declaration on the application form to accept the terms and conditions listed on the form. The terms and conditions may be found on the form, or can be reviewed form the following page.

Online terms and conditions

How to apply for your permit

Once you've completed the application form and collected all mandatory supporting documents, you use our online self-service website to lodge the application.

Step 1:

Register for an account on Council's self service portal - verification should occur within one business day.

Please see the following guide for assistance on the registration process

How to register on the Council self service portal (PDF 265.9KB)

Step 2:

Log into your account and apply for your permit

Please see the following guide to assist you:

Online self-service website

Go to online self-service

Similar or related permits

  • Temporary Full Road Closure - additionally required where the road needs to be closed to traffic for an event or so works can be undertaken safely.

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Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024