PRUAIP-New cycleway from Parramatta Rd to Mallet St
PRUAIP Objective
The project seeks to improve the environmental qualities of the inner west and see the importance of achieving sustainability outcomes within the projects. The projects shall contribute to overall biodiversity outcomes, reduction of urban heat island, increased urban forest cover, improved air and water quality and other environmental opportunities that the project can provide.
The PRUAIP is a NSW State Government, $198 million initiative under the Parramatta Road Corridor Urban Transformation Program. The Parramatta Road corridor and the UAIP extend from Granville to Camperdown, and include projects in Granville, Auburn, Homebush, Burwood, Kings Bay, Taverners Hill, Leichhardt and Camperdown. The vision for the Corridor, developed by Urban Growth NSW, is for a high-quality multi-use corridor with improved transport choices, better amenity and balanced growth of housing and jobs.
The project seeks to improve the environmental qualities of the inner west and see the importance of achieving sustainability outcomes within the projects. The projects shall contribute to overall biodiversity outcomes, reduction of urban heat island, increased urban forest cover, improved air and water quality and other environmental opportunities that the project can provide.
The aim of the PRUAIP is to reverse the urban decay and lack of design cohesion along Parramatta Road. The NSW State Government believes the PRUAIP will deliver tangible public benefits contributing to the delivery of liveable communities and neighbourhoods. The public domain upgrades along the corridor are envisaged to help to rectify the market failure and stimulate new development.
Design & construction of a new cycleway from Parramatta Rd to Booth St/Mallet St, Camperdown.
Pyrmont Bridge Road is expected to undergo substantial change in the short-to-mid term future. Significant urban infrastructure works and approaching changes to planning and land use mean that many of the existing buildings and even local street patterns may no longer exist.
As such, the Master Plan is intended to act as a set of design guidelines which may be applied to future Pyrmont Bridge road layouts.
The work will entail the creation of a boulevard, with a tree lined road and two one way separated cycleways, one each side of the road. The street is to be re-engineered across the full width of the corridor. Footpaths are at normal width, cycleway and footpath are separated with planting and a paved buffer space is inserted between kerb side parking lanes and the cycleway.
Key Design Features:
- Redesign of roadway for improved pedestrian and cyclist amenity
- Creation of a connected urban tree canopy
- Creation of WSUD tree pits and rain gardens to intercept and filter urban storm water
- Incorporate passive irrigation to provide trees and planted areas the best chance of success
- Creation of a two one way separated cycle paths
- Act as a transition between Parramatta Road and the rest of Pyrmont Bridge Road
- Underground electricity
- New Multifunction Poles & lights
-Detailed Design to commence in October 2023;
- Council officers are co-ordinating with TfNSW for the construction commencement date, aiming for August 2024;
- The project can not be completed until the West Connex Dive Site at Pyrmont Bridge Rd is decommissioned.
- The project was delayed due to TfNSW not giving permission to construct the works for a variety of reasons;
- Construction is planned to be completed by the end of March 2024 (subject to TfNSW approval)
- Traffic Control Signals are being designed at Booth St and at Parramatta Rd
- Expected completion date: August 2025