Link Road between Mary Street and Maliyawul Street, Lilyfield Construction of Shared Pedestrian and Bicycle Path
Inner West Council will be constructing a shared pedestrian and bicycle path on the Link Road between Mary Street at Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre and The Bay Run at Maliyawul Street, Lilyfield.
Project features:
- Construction of a new shared pedestrian & bike path on the Link Rd.
- Conversion of traffic flow in the Link Road from existing 2-way to one-way south bound only (downhill).
- New landscaping along the edge of the new shared path.
- Reconfiguration of parking and garden beds at the Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre end of the shared path.
- Construction of a new landscaped kerb blister island in Frazer Street.
Project address: Link Road between Mary Street and Maliyawul Street, Lilyfield
The works will commence the week of 23 January 2023 and take approximately five weeks to complete (weather permitting). For safety reasons the road will be fully closed for vehicles and pedestrians during the construction period. Traffic Control will be used to maintain traffic and pedestrian flow around the site. Access to properties will be maintained, however during construction, please do not park next to or near the works in progress.
Progress: Completed February 2023
- State Civil, Ali Ghacham Mobile 0450 800 610
- Council officer: Christine Phillips, Project Manager, Phone 9392 5644
We appreciate your patience and co-operation while we complete these important works.

Completion photos:
