Booth Street bridge widening
Project description
The Booth Street Bridge, Annandale spans the Johnstons Creek Sydney Water stormwater channel south of Wigram Road. The purpose of the project is to create wider pedestrian footpaths, construct a bicycle path on the eastern side of the bridge, provide crash barriers for public safety and strengthen the base of the existing road structure. The bridge is jointly managed by Inner West Council and the City of Sydney Council. The project being jointly funded by both Councils.
The Booth Street Bridge, Annandale spans the Johnstons Creek Sydney Water stormwater channel south of Wigram Road.
The purpose of the project is to:
- create wider pedestrian footpaths,
- construct a bicycle path on the eastern (City of Sydney) side of the bridge,
- provide crash barriers for public safety and
The City of Sydney have constructed landscaping on the north-eastern side of Booth Street Bridge to replace vegetation removed during construction.
The bridge is jointly managed by Inner West Council and the City of Sydney Council. The project being jointly funded by both Councils.
Project address
Booth Street, Annandale between Wigram Road and Alexandria Drive.
The project was completed in July 2022
The works extended the longevity of the existing bridge, improves pedestrian and bicycle access across the bridge and provides crash barriers for public safety.
The total project cost for design and construction was $2.93 million.
Inner West Council portion of the project cost was $1.25 million.
Completion Photos

Completed Bridge - Showing IWC Side

Plan drawing

Contact for further information
- Michael Isaac from Statewide Civil on 0466 188 104 or
- Christine Phillips from Inner West Council on 9392 5644 or
Before the Bridge was Widened:

Progress Photo's- Showing a safer pedestrian Path

Works in Progress : Showing Booth Street Bridge over Canal