Small Business Local Democracy Group
The purpose of the Small Business Local Democracy Group (LDG) is to:
- Contribute to achieving community outcomes as set out in the Inner West Community Strategic Plan and implementation of Council’s four-year Delivery Program
- Provide input into development and implementation of Inner West policies, strategic plans and/or programs as related to multiculturalism as requested.
- Serve as a resource for Council in relation to matters which Council resolves to bring before the LDG for input.
- Provide input into development of Inner West Tourism Action Plan
- Provide input into the development of programs and initiatives to enhance the local economic environment.
View Terms of Reference (DOCX 909.6KB)
Agendas and minutes
No agendas or minutes are currently available. The first agenda will be published 7 days before the first meeting.
Additional documents
No additional documents are currently available.
If you have any questions regarding this group, please contact:
Bernadette Selfe, Senior Economic Development Officer
02 9392 5871