
Whites Creek Valley Park 
Corner White and Piper Street, Annandale


Sunday 25 August 2024
10am to 3pm 

Footprints EcoFestival

An annual celebration of sustainable living held at Whites Creek Valley Park.




A festival tent labelled Friends of Whites Creek Valley Park.

Chat with local experts and organisations and see sustainability in action. There will be plenty of hands-on workshops, demos and tours.

Visit the Food Forest, community garden, natural areas, check out some EVs and try your hand at drawing or weaving!

Footprints EcoFestival will energise the circular economy with clothes upcycling and mending, second-hand styling, hand tool restoration, jewellery repair, bike tune-ups and more.

Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of Whites Creek Valley Park and sample delicious coffee and food, with lots of vegan and organic options.

Bring your shopping bag to browse low-impact gifts, homewares, jewellery, plants, flowers, clothes at market stalls.

Festival program

Main stage

  • 10:05am: Welcome to Country
  • 10:10am: Buuja Buuja Dancers
  • 10:20am: Mayoral welcome
  • 10:25am: Community story of Whites Creek Valley Park – Gillian Leahy

Workshops at the Stables


Reuse and repair hub

Creative corner

Next to Australian Native Bee Association stall

How are we greening the festival?

All events have an environmental impact. Here are some ways Inner West Council is working to reduce the environmental impacts of Footprints EcoFestival.

  • Inner West Council has a single-use plastic free policy for all its events. That means no single-use plastic straws, cutlery, cups, plastic bags, containers or bottles at the festival.
  • Water refill stations will be available to encourage BYO bottles, and Council is providing reuseable cups for coffees at this event. The cups will be washed and reused at other events.
  • Council has selected local and sustainable businesses and organisations as stallholders at Footprints. Footprints stalls offer products and activities that aim to support sustainability in the Inner West.
  • The site layout and programming is designed to provide entertainment and activities that connect people with and support natural elements of Whites Creek Valley Park, without causing damage to waterways, soil, trees or plantings.
  • Festival stalls, stage, chairs and tables are hired to maximise reuse.
  • The site is dressed with reusable materials like fabric bunting and flags.
  • To reduce travel emissions, guest speakers, and tour and workshop hosts are mostly from the Sydney Metro area.
  • Food vendors are chosen that offer high quality festival food as well as having a strong focus on low-waste, plant-based, organic options.

Footprints is a relatively low-impact event in terms of its waste and energy use. Inner West Council is still looking for sustainable solutions for some festival requirements such as the energy needed for food trucks and sound systems on top of the 100% renewable electricity available onsite. Single-use food packaging waste is the main waste in festival bins, and single use plates and cutlery can’t currently be composted in NSW.

If you’re coming to Footprints EcoFestival, you can help reduce environmental impacts by:

  • BYO water bottle, coffee cup, plate, cutlery and shopping bags.
  • Come by foot, bike or public transport. If you bike, remember to head along for a free bike tune-up!

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Page last updated: 23 Aug 2024