Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning May 2024 YTD Actual ($'000) May 2024 YTD Budget ($'000) Variance Better/Worse ($'000) Variance Better/Worse (%) 2023/24 QBRS Q3 Budget ($000) 2023/24 Adopted Budget ($000) Commentary
Income from Continuing Operations
General Revenue - - - n/a - -
User Charges & Fees 1,006 1,042 (35) (3.4)% 1,100 858 Lower than expected s10.7 certificates
Other Income - - - n/a 45 -
Profit or (Loss) on Disposal - - - n/a - -
Total Income 1,006 1,042 (35) (3.4)% 1,145 858
Expenses from Continuing Operations
Employee Costs 3,390 3,431 41 1.2% 3,737 4,051
Borrowing Costs 0 - (0) n/a - -
Materials & Services 1,129 1,396 267 19.1% 1,787 2,001 Special Entertainment Precinct cost review lower than expected; timing of invoices.
Other Expenses 324 324 0 0.0% 324 318
Depreciation & Amortisation 0 1 1 78.8% 2 2
Total Expense 4,843 5,151 309 6.0% 5,849 6,372
Total Surplus/(Deficit) before Funding (3,836) (4,110) 274 6.7% (4,704) (5,514)
Operating Grants & Contributions
Operating Grants 61 62 (1) (1.3)% 62 101
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Operating Grants (3,775) (4,048) 273 6.7% (4,642) (5,413)
Funding Contributions & Overhead Allocations
Capital Grants & Contributions 10,955 19,308 (8,353) (43.3)% 19,921 259
Overhead Allocation (3,706) (3,502) (204) (5.8)% (3,821) (3,799)
Funding from/(to) Restricted Funds (10,251) 769 (11,020) <-100% (19,152) 1,158
Funding from/(to) General Funds 6,777 (12,527) (19,305) <-100% 7,694 7,794
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Capital Grants, Contributions & Funding - - - n/a - -

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Page last updated: 27 Jun 2024