Early Learning

 Early Learning May 2024 YTD Actual ($'000) May 2024 YTD Budget ($'000) Variance Better/Worse ($'000) Variance Better/Worse (%) 2023/24 QBRS Q3 Budget ($000) 2023/24 Adopted Budget ($000) Commentary
Income from Continuing Operations
General Revenue - - - n/a - -
User Charges & Fees 17,341 17,068 273 1.6% 19,082 18,419
Other Income - 6 (6) (100.0)% 6 6
Profit or (Loss) on Disposal - - - n/a - -
Total Income 17,341 17,074 268 1.6% 19,088 18,425
Expenses from Continuing Operations
Employee Costs 14,601 17,346 2,745 15.8% 18,552 17,250 Vacant positions back filled with casuals and agency.
Borrowing Costs - - - n/a - -
Materials & Services 6,281 2,320 (3,961) <-100% 2,538 2,177 Overspend in agency costs funded from employee cost savings.
Other Expenses - - - n/a - -
Depreciation & Amortisation 568 606 38 6.3% 661 661
Total Expense 21,450 20,272 (1,178) (5.8)% 21,751 20,089
Total Surplus/(Deficit) before Funding (4,108) (3,198) (910) (28.5)% (2,663) (1,664)
Operating Grants & Contributions
Operating Grants 1,007 1,037 (31) (2.9)% 1,065 589
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Operating Grants (3,102) (2,161) (941) (43.5)% (1,598) (1,075)
Funding Contributions & Overhead Allocations
Capital Grants & Contributions - - - n/a - -
Overhead Allocation (8,235) (7,783) (452) (5.8)% (8,491) (8,584)
Funding from/(to) Restricted Funds (437) 129 (566) <-100% 176 -
Funding from/(to) General Funds 11,774 9,816 1,959 20.0% 9,912 9,658
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Capital Grants, Contributions & Funding - - - n/a - -

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Page last updated: 27 Jun 2024