Community Venues

Community Venues May 2024 YTD Actual ($'000) May 2024 YTD Budget ($'000) Variance Better/Worse ($'000) Variance Better/Worse (%) 2023/24 QBRS Q3 Budget ($000) 2023/24 Adopted Budget ($000) Commentary
Income from Continuing Operations
General Revenue - - - n/a - -
User Charges & Fees 570 466 104 22.4% 509 414 Higher than expected usage of venues.
Other Income 1 1 (1) (61.7)% 1 10
Profit or (Loss) on Disposal - - - n/a - -
Total Income 571 468 103 22.1% 510 424
Expenses from Continuing Operations
Employee Costs 372 356 (16) (4.5)% 383 478
Borrowing Costs - - - n/a - -
Materials & Services 1,069 1,115 46 4.2% 1,215 1,213
Other Expenses - - - n/a - -
Depreciation & Amortisation 914 1,002 89 8.9% 1,094 1,094
Total Expense 2,355 2,474 119 4.8% 2,691 2,785
Total Surplus/(Deficit) before Funding (1,784) (2,006) 223 11.1% (2,181) (2,361)
Operating Grants & Contributions
Operating Grants - - - n/a - -
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Operating Grants (1,784) (2,006) 223 11.1% (2,181) (2,361)
Funding Contributions & Overhead Allocations
Capital Grants & Contributions - - - n/a - -
Overhead Allocation - - - n/a - -
Funding from/(to) Restricted Funds (842) - (842) n/a - -
Funding from/(to) General Funds 2,625 2,006 619 30.9% 2,181 2,361
Total Surplus/(Deficit) after Capital Grants, Contributions & Funding - - - n/a - -

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Page last updated: 27 Jun 2024