Policies register


Current Inner West Council

Council Policy name Adoption date Custodian
Current Inner West Council
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy (PDF 1.1MB)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Procurement Strategy (DOCX 1.8MB)
5/3/2024 Procurement and Contracts Manager
Current Inner West Council

Affordable Housing Policy (PDF 1.5MB)
Affordable Housing Policy (DOCX 1.3MB)

1/11/2016 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council Asbestos policy (PDF 963.9KB)
Asbestos policy (DOCX 99.2KB)
30/04/2019 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council Assessment of Proposals for Outdoor Advertising and Signage in Transport Corridors (PDF 993.5KB)
Assessment of Proposals for Outdoor Advertising and Signage in Transport Corridors (DOCX 1.5MB)
21/05/2024 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council Asset Management Policy (PDF 514.4KB)
Asset Management Policy (DOCX 988.1KB)
14/06/2022 Director Infrastructure
Current Inner West Council Busking policy (PDF 427.4KB)
Busking policy (DOCX 905.9KB)
21/05/2024 Director Community
Current Inner West Council   Car share policy (PDF 346.5KB)
Car share policy (DOCX 160.3KB)
3/08/2021 Director Infrastructure
Current Inner West Council Code of conduct (DOCX 856.4KB)
Code of conduct (PDF 464.6KB)
6/12/2022 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Code of meeting practice (DOCX 988.9KB)
Code of meeting practice (PDF 714.6KB)
14/02/2023 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Community Engagement Strategy 2022-24  (PDF 2.6MB) 27/06/2017 Director Community
Current Inner West Council  Community gardens policy (DOCX 1.5MB)
Community gardens policy (PDF 1MB)
21/05/2024 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council
Community Venue Hire, Grants and Fee Scale Policy (PDF 501.9KB)
Community Venue Hire, Grants and Fee Scale Policy (DOCX 917KB)
Senior Manager Libraries and Community
Current Inner West Council
Complaints Handling Policy (PDF 605KB)
Complaints Handling Policy (DOCX 1MB)
Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Compliance and enforcement policy (PDF 215KB)
Compliance and enforcement policy (DOC 206KB)
30/04/2019 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council
Conflict of Interest Policy (PDF 511.4KB)
Conflict of Interest Policy (DOCX 936.7KB)
Director Corporate and Director Planning
Current Inner West Council Councillor expenses and facilities policy (PDF 387.3KB)
Councillor expenses and facilities policy (DOCX 85.9KB)
09/08/2022 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy (PDF 443.3KB)
Councillor and Staff Interaction Policy (DOCX 873.4KB)
9/05/2023 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Data Breach Policy (DOCX 218KB)
Data Breach Policy (PDF 435KB)
 21/11/2023 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Development advisory and assessment policy (PDF 204.6KB)
23/05/2017 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council Disposals Policy (DOCX 886.9KB)
Disposals Policy (PDF 445.2KB)
21/11/2023 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Dog off leash areas in parks policy (PDF 618.3KB) 30/03/2020 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council Events in parks policy (PDF 590.3KB)
Events in parks policy (DOCX 151.4KB)
Events in parks guidelines (PDF 522.3KB)
Events in parks guidelines (DOCX 179.5KB)
27/11/2018 Director Community
Current Inner West Council Event invitation and speaking policy (PDF 452.7KB)
Event invitation and speaking policy (DOCX 921KB)
26/6/2018 Director Community
Current Inner West Council
Fraud and Corruption Control Policy (PDF 423.3KB)
Fraud and Corruption Control Policy (DOCX 911.9KB)
Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council
Gender Equal Representation Policy (DOCX 47.7KB)
Gender Equal Representation Policy (PDF 155.9KB)
 03/08/21 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council General revenue policy (PDF 285.4KB)
General revenue policy  (DOCX 76.6KB)
30/06/21 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Good neighbour policy (PDF 467.7KB)
Good neighbour policy (DOCX 934.2KB)
09/04/2024 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council Investment Policy (DOCX 2.1MB)
Investment Policy (PDF 1.2MB)
 09/03/23 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Internal audit charter (PDF 450.2KB)
27/09/2016 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Land and property policy (PDF 561.3KB)
Land and property policy (DOCX 951.7KB)
13/08/2019 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Living Streets Verge Garden and Adopt-a-Spot Policy (DOCX 925.7KB)
Living Streets Verge Garden and Adopt-a-Spot Policy (PDF 449.9KB) 
 10/10/23 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council  Lobbying policy (PDF 238.3KB)
Lobbying policy (DOC 216.5KB)
11/08/2020 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Media policy (PDF 361.3KB)
Media policy (DOCX 107.4KB)
19/03/2018 General Manager
Current Inner West Council Media policy for Councillors  (PDF 320KB)
Media policy for Councillors (DOCX 69.6KB)
28/8/2018 General Manager
Current Inner West Council
Memorial planting and plaques in parks and open space policy (PDF 207.6KB)
Memorial planting and plaques in parks and open space policy (DOCX 66.6KB)
Director Infrastructure
Current Inner West Council Multicultural policy (PDF 211.9KB)
Multicultural policy (DOCX 120.6KB)
13/11/2018 Director Community
Current Inner West Council Pedestrian Crossing Warrant Policy (PDF 439.9KB)
Pedestrian Crossing Warrant Policy (DOCX 903.1KB)
 05/03/2024  Director Infrastructure
Current Inner West Council Pesticide Use Notification Plan (PDF 3.4MB)
Pesticide Use Notification Plan (DOCX 966.5KB)
28/05/2019 Director Infrastructure
Current Inner West Council Privacy Policy (DOCX 203.2KB)
Privacy Policy (PDF 403.9KB)
21/11/2023 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council
Procedure for the administration of the code of conduct (DOCX 77.3KB)
Procedure for the administration of the code of conduct (PDF 374.6KB)
25/08/2020 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Procurement policy (DOCX 917.6KB)
Procurement policy (PDF 501.6KB)
21/05/2024 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council  Public domain parking policy (PDF 1.3MB)
Public domain parking policy (DOC 413KB)
09/06/2020 Director Infrastructure
Current Inner West Council Public access to information policy (PDF 423.9KB)
Public access to information policy (DOCX 535.9KB)
23/03/2017 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council

Public Interest Disclosure Policy (PDF 579KB)
Public Interest Disclosure Policy (DOCX 947KB)

Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Recreation Strategy and Action Plan (PDF 4MB)  23/10/23  Director Planning
Current Inner West Council

Risk management Policy (PDF 524.1KB)
Risk Management Policy (DOCX 977.5KB)

 11/04/23  Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Social media policy (PDF 436.3KB)
Social media policy (DOCX 111.4KB)
19/03/2018 General Manager
Current Inner West Council Social media policy for Councillors  (PDF 408.3KB)
Social media policy for Councillors (DOCX 910.6KB) 
28/8/2018 General Manager
Current Inner West Council Special Entertainment Precinct Management Plan (PDF 2.3MB)
Special Entertainment Precinct Management Plan (DOCX 2MB) 
8/8/2023  Director Planning
Current Inner West Council Sponsorship policy (PDF 385.9KB)
Sponsorship policy (DOCX 108.8KB)
13/11/2011 Director Community
Current Inner West Council Sporting grounds allocation policy (PDF 469.6KB)
Sporting grounds allocation policy (DOCX 2.1MB)
27/11/2018 Director Planning
Current Inner West Council Statement of Business Ethics (DOCX 879.6KB)
Statement of Business Ethics (PDF 458.4KB)
21/11/23 Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Procurement strategy (PDF 1.6MB)  21/05/2024  Director Corporate
Current Inner West Council Traffic Management Investigation Policy (DOCX 903.3KB)
Traffic Management Investigation Policy (PDF 470.6KB)
 14/03/23 Director Infrastructure 
Current Inner West Council Voluntary planning agreements policy (DOCX 938.3KB)
Voluntary planning agreements policy (PDF 321.9KB)
25/02/2020  Director Planning
Current Inner West Council

Weed Management Policy (PDF 264.6KB)
Weed Management Policy (DOCX 62.7KB)

28/05/2019 Director Infrastructure

Former Ashfield Council

Council Policy name Adoption date Custodian
Former Ashfield Abandoned shopping trolleys policy (PDF 369.1KB)
Abandoned shopping trolleys policy (DOCX 369.7KB)
1/05/2012 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Ashfield Art collection policy (PDF 96.4KB)
Art collection policy (DOCX 143.4KB)
20/04/2010 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Ashfield Asset disposal policy - Property and other assets (PDF 464.5KB)
Asset disposal policy - Property and other Assets (DOCX 144.8KB)
no date Group Manager Properties, Major Buildings Projects and Facilities
Former Ashfield Borrowings and asset financing (Debt) policy (PDF 55.2KB)
Borrowings and asset financing (Debt) policy (DOCX 40.8KB)
1/04/2008 Group Manager Finance
Former Ashfield Boundary roads and maintenance agreement (PDF 20KB)
Boundary roads and maintenance agreement (DOCX 24.1KB)
1/1/1967 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Ashfield Change of property numbers policy (PDF 9KB)
10/11/1998 Group Manager Finance
Former Ashfield Charitable collections policy (PDF 219.4KB)
Charitable collections policy (DOCX 148KB)
1/11/2012 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Ashfield Colourbond fencing use policy (PDF 9.8KB)

20/11/1990 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Ashfield Commercial street vending and mobile vending vehicles policy (PDF 240KB)
Commercial street vending and mobile vending vehicles policy (DOCX 151.3KB)
6/10/1993 Group Manager Environment and Sustainability
Former Ashfield Companion animal management plan 2009 (PDF 863.2KB)
Companion animal management plan 2009 (DOCX 161.8KB)
1/1/2009 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Ashfield

Computer software and hardware policy (PDF 38.1KB)
Computer software and hardware policy (DOCX 32.3KB)

11/12/1998 Group Manager Information Communications Technology
Former Ashfield Council work on private property policy (PDF 8.8KB)
16/10/1990 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Ashfield Culturally diverse societies principles policy (PDF 9.2KB) 4/02/1997 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Ashfield Filming in Ashfield (PDF 353.4KB)
Filming in Ashfield (DOCX 197.7KB)
Former Ashfield Footpath repair and maintenance policy (PDF 51KB)
Footpath repair and maintenance policy (DOCX 31.2KB)
8/02/2000 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Ashfield Garbage bins lost or stolen policy (PDF 9.3KB)
16/07/1991 Group Manager Environment and Sustainability
Former Ashfield Graffiti removal policy (PDF 147.5KB)
Graffiti removal policy (DOCX 69.6KB)
10/11/2009 Group Manager Properties, Major Buildings Projects and Facilities
Former Ashfield Library collection development policy (PDF 61.7KB)
10/11/1998 Group Manager Library and History Services
Former Ashfield Library public use of internet policy (PDF 42.4KB)
23/12/1998 Group Manager Library and History Services
Former Ashfield Library use of Ashfield library policy (PDF 35.2KB)
Library use of Ashfield library policy (DOCX 24.5KB)
01/02/2007 Group Manager Library and History Services
Former Ashfield Local ethnic affairs policy (PDF 16.5KB)
10/11/1998 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Ashfield Local orders policy (PDF 175.2KB)
Local orders policy (DOCX 71.1KB)
19/01/2000 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Ashfield Mediation policy (PDF 53.6KB)
Mediation policy (DOCX 32.3KB)
7/10/1997 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Ashfield Mowing of verges policy (PDF 13.8KB)
2/04/1996 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Ashfield Naming of Public Reserves Policy (PDF 9KB)
9/11/1998 Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Ashfield Notification policy (PDF 350.3KB)
Notification policy (DOCX 132KB)
8/07/2014 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Ashfield OHS risk management policy (PDF 64.8KB)
OHS risk management policy (DOCX 23.8KB)
1/11/1995 Group Manager Human Resources
Former Ashfield Outdoor dining and footpath trading policy (PDF 3.9MB)
Outdoor dining and footpath trading policy (DOCX 9.5MB)
1/11/2014 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Ashfield Planting of Additional Trees in Parks and Reserves Policy (PDF 37.4KB)
30/07/1985 Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Ashfield Public art policy (PDF 263.4KB)
Public art policy (DOCX 160.4KB)
1/10/2015 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Ashfield Rates hardship policy (PDF 96.1KB)
Rates hardship policy (DOCX 143KB)
10/02/2015 Group Manager Finance
Former Ashfield Recognition of the Aboriginal community policy (PDF 218.5KB)
Recognition of the Aboriginal community policy (DOCX 145.3KB)
26/02/2013 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Ashfield Refund of waste charges policy (PDF 9KB)
Refund of waste charges policy (DOCX 15.9KB)
27/10/1998 Group Manager Finance
Former Ashfield

Smoke Free Public Parks and Sports Venues Policy (PDF 362.8KB)

Smoke Free Public Parks and Sports Venues Policy (DOCX 367.6KB)
9/11/2004 Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Ashfield Staff expenses and facilities policy (PDF 398.5KB)
Staff expenses and facilities policy (DOCX 410KB)
22/11/2011 Group Manager Human Resources
Former Ashfield Stormwater management policy (PDF 941.7KB)
Stormwater management policy (DOCX 1.4MB)
20/03/2014 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Ashfield Street entertainment policy (PDF 201.6KB)
Street entertainment policy (DOCX 82.9KB)
22/02/2011 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Ashfield Street Tree Strategy - Part B: Street Tree Management and guidelines  (PDF 8.9MB)
10/11/2015 Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Ashfield

Sustainable Ashfield - Sustainable development policy (PDF 362.6KB)
Sustainable Ashfield - Sustainable development policy (DOCX 367.7KB)

1/4/2003 Group Manager Environment and Sustainability
Former Ashfield Sustainable event management policy (PDF 943.1KB)
Sustainable event management policy (DOCX 1.4MB)
14/10/2014 Group Manager Communications, Engagement and Events

Former Leichhardt Council

Council Policy name Adoption date Custodian
Former Leichhardt Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocols (PDF 18.6KB)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Protocols (DOCX 5.5MB)
1/1/2015 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Leichhardt Asset management policy (PDF 81.8KB)
Asset management policy (DOCX 1.1MB)
23/06/2009 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Leichhardt Bird control (PDF 22.9KB)
Bird control (DOCX 16.6KB)
18/04/2006 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Leichhardt Communications strategy (PDF 435.4KB)
Communications strategy (DOCX 71.4KB)
16/04/2012 Group Manager Communications, Engagement and Events
Former Leichhardt Encroachments architectural details policy (PDF 84KB)
Encroachments architectural details policy (DOCX 263.9KB)
1/05/2011 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Leichhardt Events policy (PDF 238.1KB)
Events policy (DOCX 1.1MB)
01/01/2015 Group Manager Communications, Engagement and Events
Former Leichhardt Externally initiated redundancy policy (PDF 59.4KB)
Externally initiated redundancy policy (DOCX 240.7KB)
6/10/2015 Group Manager Human Resources
Former Leichhardt General financial policy (PDF 230.9KB)
General financial policy (DOCX 374.3KB)
16/05/2000 Group Manager Finance
Former Leichhardt Naming of roads parks reserves and public spaces policy and procedure (PDF 1.1MB)
Naming of roads parks reserves and public spaces policy and procedure (DOCX 2.2MB)
1/01/2014 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Leichhardt Naming public places with aboriginal names policy (PDF 56KB)
Naming public places with aboriginal names policy (DOCX 1.1MB)
18/06/1996 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Leichhardt Pensioner rates concession (PDF 60.5KB)
Pensioner rates concession  (DOCX 241.4KB)
25/03/2014 Group Manager Finance
Former Leichhardt Pensioners - Accruing rates and charges (PDF 55.9KB)
Pensioners - Accruing rates and charges  (DOCX 239KB)
25/03/2014 Group Manager Finance
Former Leichhardt Rates debt recovery policy (PDF 250KB)
Rates debt recovery policy (DOCX 265KB)
25/03/2014 Group Manager Finance
Former Leichhardt Rates financial hardship policy (PDF 65KB)
Rates financial hardship policy (DOCX 243.9KB)
25/03/2014 Group Manager Finance
Former Leichhardt Reimbursement of monies to members of the public relating to Council projects policy   (PDF 50.2KB)
Reimbursement of monies to members of the public relating to Council projects policy   (DOCX 238.4KB)
23/11/2010 Group Manager Finance
Former Leichhardt Resident parking scheme (DOCX 240.2KB)
Resident parking scheme (PDF 1.3MB)
30/10/2007 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Leichhardt Road closures (PDF 18KB)
Road closures (DOCX 14.5KB)
27/09/1994 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Leichhardt Social impact assessment policy (PDF 350KB)
Social impact assessment policy (DOCX 391.6KB)
22/09/2018 Group Manager Communicatio
Former Leichhardt Traffic calming policy (PDF 148KB)
Traffic calming policy (DOCX 229.9KB)
27/03/2012 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Leichhardt Tree Management Policy (interim) (PDF 278.8KB)
Tree Management Policy (interim) (DOCX 74.1KB)
26/03/2013 Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Leichhardt Tree Planting Programme Species Description (PDF 18.5KB)
Tree Planting Programme Species Description (DOCX 14.4KB)
21/05/1991 Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Leichhardt Tree Planting Streets Trees Policy (PDF 18.7KB)
Tree Planting Streets Trees Policy (DOCX 14.5KB)

Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Leichhardt Trees - Damage to Public Trees Policy (PDF 54.1KB)
Trees - Damage to Public Trees Policy (DOCX 239.5KB)

Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Leichhardt Trees - Donation Trees on Private Property Policy  (PDF 18.4KB)
Trees - Donation Trees on Private Property Policy  (DOCX 14.6KB)

Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Leichhardt

Trees Obstructing Footpaths Policy (PDF 22.1KB)
Trees Obstructing Footpaths Policy (DOCX 16.1KB)

Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Leichhardt Trees Selection for Street Planting Policy (PDF 18.7KB)
Trees Selection for Street Planting Policy (DOCX 14.5KB)

Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Leichhardt Trees Watering Policy (PDF 36.7KB)
Trees Watering Policy (DOCX 19.1KB)

Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Leichhardt Urban Forest Policy (PDF 40.8KB)
Urban Forest Policy (DOCX 23.7KB)
23/11/2010 Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Leichhardt Use of council facilities for after school care (PDF 584.3KB)
Use of council facilities for after school care (DOCX 1.3MB)
22/07/2014 Group Manager Children and Family Services
Former Leichhardt Volunteer policy (PDF 235.5KB)
Volunteer policy (DOCX 1.1MB)
01/09/2014 Group Manager Human Resources

Former Marrickville Council

Council Policy name Adoption date Custodian
Former Marrickville A-frames, other advertising structures and display goods for sale (PDF 20.6KB)
A-frames, other advertising structures and display goods for sale  (DOCX 23.4KB)
1/8/2012 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Marrickville Aboriginal naming / Co naming policy (2016) (PDF 32KB)
Aboriginal naming / Co naming policy (2016) (DOCX 34KB)
1/03/2016 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Marrickville Advertising policy (PDF 50.8KB)
Advertising policy (DOC 72.5KB)
1/07/2006 Group Manager Communications, Engagement and Events
Former Marrickville Arts grant scheme policy (PDF 40.4KB)
Arts grant scheme policy (DOC 72.5KB)
19/08/2003 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Marrickville Asset management policy (PDF 36.9KB)
Asset management policy (DOCX 1.1MB)
16/02/2010 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Marrickville Audit committee charter (PDF 37.9KB)
Audit committee charter (DOCX 41.3KB)
17/11/2015 Executive Manager Enterprise Risk
Former Marrickville Chrissie cotter gallery policy (PDF 42.9KB)
Chrissie cotter gallery policy (DOC 73.5KB)
1/08/1995 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Marrickville Commercial fitness training policy (2016) (PDF 36.1KB)
Commercial fitness training policy (2016) (PDF 36.1KB)
16/02/2016 Group Manager Recreation and Aquatics
Former Marrickville Cultural policy (PDF 2MB)
no date Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Marrickville Drainage policy (PDF 32KB)
Drainage policy (DOCX 29.9KB)
1/03/1994 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Marrickville Environmental management policy (PDF 35.3KB)
Environmental management policy (DOC 70.5KB)
1/9/2001 Group Manager Environment and Sustainability
Former Marrickville Filming rights in the Marrickville area policy (PDF 37KB)
Filming rights in the Marrickville area policy
 (DOCX 31.9KB)
19/05/1998 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Marrickville Food services policy (PDF 32.4KB)
Food services policy (DOCX 68.7KB)
1/12/1995 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Marrickville Garbage collection policy (PDF 32.9KB)
Garbage collection policy (DOC 51.5KB)
1/03/1994 Group Manager Environment and Sustainability
Former Marrickville Hotel trading hours policy (PDF 11.8KB)
Hotel trading hours policy (DOCX 15.6KB)
6/09/2005 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Marrickville Marrickville community grants program policy (PDF 54.8KB)
Marrickville community grants program policy (DOCX 36.4KB)
13/09/2005 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Marrickville Naming of roads and lanes policy (2016) (PDF 28.3KB)
Naming of roads and lanes policy (2016) (DOCX 20.6KB)
8/04/1997 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Marrickville Neighbourhood policy (PDF 34KB)
Neighbourhood policy (DOCX 30.1KB)
18/03/2014 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Marrickville Outdoor commercial seating (PDF 26.5KB)
Outdoor commercial seating (DOCX 26.3KB) 
1/08/2012 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Marrickville Placement of waste storage containers in a public place policy (PDF 62.7KB)
Placement of waste storage containers in a public place policy (DOC 81KB)
1/11/2000 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Marrickville Public art policy (PDF 31KB)
Public art policy (DOCX 40.5KB)
10/04/2007 Group Manager Community Services and Culture
Former Marrickville Recreation policy and strategy (PDF 496.2KB)
Recreation policy and strategy (DOCX 600.3KB)
1/06/2013 Group Manager Recreation and Aquatics
Former Marrickville Signs policy (PDF 24.7KB)
Signs policy (DOC 58KB)
1/3/1994 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Marrickville Stormwater drainage in development policy (PDF 504.8KB)
1/8/1995 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Marrickville Street lighting policy (PDF 23.9KB)
Street lighting policy (DOCX 25.4KB)
1/8/1995 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Marrickville Street trading policy (DOC 64.5KB)

1/10/1993 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Marrickville Street vending policy (PDF 33.1KB)
Street vending policy (DOC 60KB)
1/03/1994 Group Manager Development Assessment and Regulatory Services
Former Marrickville Sustainable event and meeting management policy (PDF 119.4KB)
Sustainable event and meeting management policy (DOCX 20KB)
14/06/2011 Group Manager Communications, Engagement and Events
Former Marrickville Traffic and transport policy (PDF 27.1KB)
Traffic and transport policy (DOCX 29.4KB)
1/03/1994 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Marrickville Urban Forest Strategy (PDF 4.1MB)
Urban Forest Strategy (DOCX 1.9MB)
3/11/2010 Group Manager Trees, Parks and Streetscapes
Former Marrickville Vehicular crossings policy (PDF 32.4KB)
Vehicular crossings policy (DOC 62.5KB)
1/02/1996 Group Manager Footpaths, Roads, Traffic and Stormwater
Former Marrickville Work health and safety (WHS) policy statements (PDF 353.9KB)
Work health and safety (WHS) policy statements (DOCX 243.6KB)
1/07/2013 Group Manager Human Resources

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Page last updated: 08 Jul 2024